RadioDust (HH Ship)

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Adding Hazbin cause why not. It has ships. I'll add a list for it later, so if anyone knows any of the other ship names, that'd be really useful.

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RadioDust is arguably one of the most popular and well known ships within the Hazbin Hotel fandom. I mean, why wouldn't it be? It's two of the favourite characters in a relationship with each other. But like most of these types of ships, there's a lot of contraversy surrounding it, and I personally am on the side that disagrees with the ship.

Now, some of you who are regulars to this book may have noticed that most of the popular ships in fandoms are the ones that I don't enjoy - and most of them are my least favourite. However, I do have my reasons, and RadioDust is no different.
Much like TomTord, this ship is between two of the least compatible characters in the serious, Alastor and Angel Dust, and like TomTord, I personally don't know where people got the idea for the ship.

RadioDust is often quite sexualised, due to Angel Dust being a porn star, however one of my main problems with this (and the ship as a whole) is the fact that Alastor is a confirmed asexual. He doesn't want to have intimate relationships with someone, and likely not even a romantic relationship.

Yeah, okay. RadioDust sort of ignores Alastor's sexuality. But, what about if I didn't know he was asexual or I heard he wasn't.

Okay sure, but Alastor has shown no interest in Angel, turning down all sexual remarks and ignoring him in general. His official Wikipedia page even says he dislikes Angel's jokes. As well as the fact that Angel didn't even know Alastor existed before he showed up at the hotel. Angel has not made any advances on Alastor, and seems to focus more so on Husk (my guess being that Angel is interested in Husk, but Husk isn't interested). Even the character podcasts suggest that Alastor doesn't want to be with Angel, and even so doesn't like Angel.

"You didn't get hugged enough as a child, did you Angel?"
"Well, do you want to make up for it now?"
"Hm, let me think...No!"

I would also like to point out that Alastor doesn't like being touched by other people (however he is fine with initiating touch). So anything that even romantic partners would do, especially Angel Dust, wouldn't be something Alastor is okay with. This however could also be the cause of his asexuality, but it's unlikely.

My Rating:

I just feel like it wouldn't work.

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