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I drove to Kyle's house. His parents were clearing out his room after the funeral. I was going to take the diaries and leave. I couldn't let Kyle's parents find those. As far a I knew, it only happen once. They were still under the bed, so it looked like nobody had touched them. They sat on my bedside table as I did homework. But I couldn't resist. Kyle had written about me and Shay, I wanted to see what else he'd said. I got to the page.

When I realised it was Peyton Manners, Joe's girlfriend. Josh was calling her Shay for some reason. It was shocking. He was asking her out and she was saying yes. I'd hate to get in a fight over a girl with Joe

Shay had been lying to me. The whole time. Kyle has to be wrong, he has to.

I drove to Shay's school, they were having lunch. I saw her having lunch with her friends.
"Can I talk to you?"
As I walked off with her I could hear her friends giggling and saying stuff like "he's hot". I lead her up to the roof.
"Hi Peyton"
She went white as a ghost.
"You found out"
"Yeah and you cheated on me"
"No, I cheated on Joe with you"
"It's still as bad!"
"Were you going to tell me?"
"Why didn't you tell me the truth at the first place?"
"I didn't want you to think of me as Peyton Manner, the girl who's family is stone-broke, the girl who's brother committed suicide, that's why!"
"But I know this already!"
"Not from the start. Would you like it if people knew all the skeletons in YOUR closet before they got to know YOU"
"Your name is hardly a skeleton"
"It's backstory is!!"
"Look I broke up with Joe. I'm committed to you. I wasn't gonna lie to you the whole time. I needed to know you were special"
"Well, am I special?"
She leaned into me.
"I love you"
She nuzzled her head into my shoulder.
"I love you too"

"Well isn't this lovely"
That wasn't Shay. It was a scratchy voice. I looked up Joe was at the doorway of the roof. He walked right over to Shay, towering over her.
"You cheated on me. I heard rumours about another guy, but I didn't believe them. Told them they were ridiculous, Peyton was as loyal as it come. When it turns out your just a whore"
He slapped her.
That was the final straw. He could not touch or talk to Shay like that. I ran at him and punched him full force. He was shocked. And pushed me. I was in the middle of the roof but it had been raining, so I skidded across until I reached the ledge. That's supposed to stop you right. It just sent me flying over the edge. I was falling, falling, gone.

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