Week 1 Day 7

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Last night when I got home from the hospital, my mom had made my favourite dinner; potato smiley faces. Two questions came to mind. 1 were people going to be tiptoeing around me from now on? And 2 what proper sixteen year old has potato smiley faces?

I sat alone at lunch. I probably could've sat with some guys from class, but I couldn't bear to be near anyone. Shay had raved about a book called Never Let Me Go. It was in the library. It looked kinda girly, but it was pretty great. I read half of it during lunch. I got a call, I didn't know the number. The voice was shakey and high.
"Hi is this Joshua?"
"I'm Bernadette, Kyle's aunt. His mother asked me to ring and tell you that you can take what you want from his room. No one's home and the keys under the mat"
I grunted thanks and hung up. I had maths next. I wasn't gonna be able to concentrate, I'd only be worse than this morning. When the bell rang the usual tsunami of boys rushed towards the lockers, which gave me the perfect opportunity to slip out. It was a forty five minute walk to Kyle's house. His bedroom was the third on the left. It looked the same as usual. The baseball posters, cowboy sheets, list of the best looking girls in BarryCastle under his mattress. There was only one thing that I wanted. When we were eight we wrote a book together. The adventure chronicles of Jyle and Koshua. It was adventures that we wanted to have. Fighting trolls, saving princesses, that kinda stuff. It took up a full copybook. I knew he kept it in one of his desk drawers. I opened one of them. It was full of razors. Hundreds of them. My body froze. I didn't know what to do. So I rang the only person that went through the same thing. She answered first ring.
"It wasn't a first time things"
"I'm in Kyle's room"
"I thought that maybe Kyle had only did it once. But I found hundreds of razors in his drawer"
"Put them all in a bag and meet me outside of my school"
I did what I was told. Shay was in her car. We drove in silence, until we reached a field. I followed her until we reached a cliff.
"When Rob died I brought all the medicine we had in the house and threw it into that sea"
She pointed down. I walked away, then turned around and ran at the edge. I stopped just at the edge and flung the bag into the sea.
"I don't want to go home"
Shay went to her car and took a blanket out. We lay on it and watched the stars. She leaned into me. Making me hold her. Then she whispered;
"Kyle's gonna be just fine"

FortnightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora