Epilogue Chapter 1 ➳ New York

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(Short chapter)

3 months later:

Will's Pov:

It was officially the first day of spring break, and Mike and Nancy (and their parents, obviously) are coming over as well.

I haven't see Mike in 3 excruciatingly painful months and I was beyond excited to see him again.

Everyone says that long distance relationships are difficult, and it's true.

Even though we talked pretty much every day.

But, talking is better than nothing.

Apparently El is bringing over one of her friends from school. Didn't know she had those. I think her name is Beverly or Bev? No clue. El has never mentioned her once to us so we were all surprised to hear that El knows somebody at school besides me.

I don't remember Bev's name either. She must be new to the school. Sounds familiar though.. 🤔

"Jane! Beverly is here." My mom shouts from the kitchen.

"YESSSSSSSSSSS!" El squeals.

'Oh god. Here we go.'

I hear El annoyingly skip down the hallway.

'Girls.' 🙄

I peak my head outside my door and see a tall red headed girl walk inside with a big smile.

I remember seeing her before. She's new, she moved here from Maine a few weeks ago.

"Hi Bevvie." El grins.

Beverly immediately frowns at the nickname and nods. "Hi." She says uncomfortably.

She must hate that nickname.

I clear my throat and walk into the kitchen so I don't look like a creep watching them.

I quickly try and scoot past them without causing an interruption, but fail miserably.

"Oh- hey Will come here." El grabs my arm and stops me from walking into the kitchen.

"What is it?" I sigh.

"When is Mike supposed to get here?" She smiles sheepishly. Her face turned a light shade of pink.

Beverly turns towards her and smirks. "Mike? The boy you're always talking about?"

"Shhh." El scowls.

I look back and forth between the two and awkwardly take El's hands off of my arm.

"Um, he should be here soon."

'Mike dumped her. Why is she blushing over him?'

Something in the pit of my stomach starts to feel queasy.

El still likes him. Of course. Why am I even surprised?

"Will are you okay?" El places a hand on my shoulder.

I nod and shrug it off. "I'm great." I give them a small smile, and push past El to get to the kitchen.

I sigh and stand on my tippy toes to open the cupboard, and get a glass of water.

"Seems like someone is jealoussss." I hear Jonathan whisper in my ear.

I look over at him and scowl.

"Oh shut up. I am not!" I snap. "Why were you eavesdropping?"

"I wasn't. El talks really loud and I saw how your expression changed when talking about Mike."

Since you don't know, I told Jonathan that Mike and I are together. Mostly because he pried it out of me, but also because he is understanding. He isn't treating me any differently, he is still my same old big brother.

At first I was really surprised, but I know I shouldn't have been. Jonathan has always been there for me, and he actually has common sense.

Unlike most people.

If people don't want to except me for who I am, then that's their problem not mine.

"You excited for Mike to come over?" He teases.

"Yeah." I roll my eyes. "Excited for Nancy?" I wink.

"You bet." He winks back.

I fake gag.

"Gross." I cough.


"You like girls." I gag again.

"What can I say? They're hot." He shrugs.

I shake my head head towards my room with my water glass in one hand.

Im just about to close my door when I hear someone knocking on the door.


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