Chapter 22 ➵ Shoes

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Will's Pov:

We end up walking all the way over to Max's house, then all the way back to Mike's. Surprisingly within an hour.

Once we got to Max's, her and El were sleeping on the floor of her room so we decided to not wake them, take my shoes, and go back home.

We arent leaving for a few more days, so Im sure mom won't be mad about El spending the night at Max's. It is Winter break after all..

Me and Mike got back somehow without our parents waking up. It was pretty late so we assumed they were sleeping.

Him and I decided to sleep in his room since El wasn't here. Plus, sleeping on the floor in the basement got annoying.

"Finally. Sleep." I sigh into the covers of the bed. "I missed sleep." I scrunch up my nose.

"Sleep is pretty amazing." Mike says under the covers next to me.

He stares at me in awe. His eyes got bigger as he watches my face stop scrunching up.

"What?" I whisper.

"Nothing. It's just- you're eyes are beautiful." He blushes.

I smile to myself sheepishly. One of my new favorite compliments from Mike.

Whether or not I believe what he said, it makes me feel all tingly inside. He makes me feel beautiful.

"T-thank you." I stutter.

"Of course." He chuckles, and kisses my nose.

"Let's go to sleep now." He says.

I slowly nod. "But I can't sleep..."


"Because.." I start. "I'm going to have to leave soon and I never want this to end." I snuggle closer to him. "I'm really hoping Im not dreaming this." I giggle.

"It won't end, okay? I'll call you whenever I can, and we can talk once you get back to New York. Also, I can promise you that this is not a dream." He chuckles at the last part.

"Okay good. If it was a dream, I would have totally flipped out."

"Me too." He agrees.

We stay there facing eachother without speaking any words. We simply just enjoy each others presences.

"Alright... well, I'm tired. Let's sleep bubba." Mike whispers whole closing both of his eyes shut.

"Okay." I mumble back.

I too, close both of my eyes, and lean forwards so I can feel closer to him. He still smells with a light scents of vanilla and lavender.

He smells like a flower.

I try my best not to be creepy, but I analyze his features. His high cheek bones, his freckled stars, his nose.. he is perfect.

I watch as his nose scrunches up and the rest of the freckles along with it.

I love you, Mikey.

I wish I could say that to you every day.

I wish I could stay here longer with you. I wish i could see you every day like old times. I wish we could go to the same school again... you always protected me from the bullies..

If only the demogorgon hasn't of taken me, maybe our lives would of been happier.. Maybe I would still be living in Hawkins, drawing a picture of Mike.. or a wizard fighting the evil dragon.

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