Chapter 1: Meeting Mr. Perfect

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Chapter 1: Meeting Mr. Perfect

I let the music carry me away as I swayed my hips to the beat and danced around with my best friend, Zoe. We each had a small buzz from the few drinks we had earlier. I don't know how long we have been dancing but I know we left at 10.

"Somebody call 911! Shorty fire burning on the dance floor! Woah!" Me and Zoe sang loudly, and very off pitch.

"I need a drink!" she yelled over the music. I nodded and we walked over to the bar.

"What can I get you beautiful ladies, tonight?" the bartender asked. Ill admit, he was hot, but if he knew we were 17 he would not be flirting like this.

"What do you suggest?" Zoe said leaning over the counter to show him a little under her dress. He winked and held his finger up signaling '1 minute' and walked to get our drinks.

I raised my eyebrows at Zoe and she through her hands up in defense.

"How else are we going to get drinks? You won't show off anything. I didn't put you in that dress to be a buzz kill you know." she stuck her tongue out at me and I looked down at my dress. Actually, it was Zoe's. I don't own anything like this. I was wearing a tight blue dress that barely came to my mid-thigh. The blue in the dress complimented my blue eyes and dark brown hair. I had on black strappy heels, which were surprisingly easy to walk in.

"Zoe, I look like a slut"

"Jessica! Chill, you look hot! That guy over there cant keep his eyes off you" I spun around to see who she was talking about and there I saw the most gorgeous man I have ever seen smirking at me. He had shaggy, dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

"Look, this is one of the very rare nights your not playing the role of mommy. Have fun" she said. I immediately thought of Aubrey, my 3 year old little sister. Our mom likes to go out and party so I am basically Aubrey's mom. She drinks alcohol like its water. Aubrey even calls me mom sometimes. Its really heartbreaking but I learned a while ago she isn't going to stop calling me that so I let her. I don't mind to much, I love that little girl more than anything.

The bartender came back and handed me and Zo some drinks.

"Sex on the beach. On the house" he winked and went back to work. Hm. I should really stop underestimating Zoe.

Zoe pointed to the man coming our way "all yours babe, I'm gonna go work on the bartender" she winked and strutted off. I turned back to my drink and chugged it down.

"Hey beautiful" when he spoke I immediately smelled the sweet scent of his minty breath.

"Hey cutie" what was that? Its gotta be the alcohol. Sober Jessica would never be brave enough to say that. He chuckled. "Wanna dance?"

"Sure. Hold up." I thought about what Zo said. Have fun since im not playing the role of mommy tonight.

"hey bartender! 4 shots of vodka!" I yelled and he smiled at me laying down all four glasses and filling them to the brim. I chugged the first shot down and cringe at the burning sensasion in my throat. I went for the second, third, then fourth. I saluted Zoe and turned to Mr. Perfect. He was smiling at me. I like his smile.

"You gotta name?" I asked.

"Dylan. And yours?"

I was about to answer but my favorite song came on so I grabbed his arm and led him to the dance floor.

"Your over my head, im out of my mind, thinkin I was born in the wrong time, one of a kind, livin in a world gone plastic, baby your so classic!" I sang while dancing.

"You have a good voice, you sing?" Dylan asked.

"Yup!" I giggled and danced like a maniac, throwing my hands in the air, and spinning around, shaking my hips. Dylan's hands rested on my hips and we moved together in sync, laughing over the music.

Someone bumped into me, causing me to fall straight into Dylan's hard chest. He grabbed me and looked at me for a minute.

"You okay?" he asked. I giggled and pulled him by his neck down to me and crashed my lips against his. A shock shot straight through my spine, and thinking it was just the alcohol I ignored it. His toungue traced my bottom lip and I willingly let him deepen the kiss. I ran my hands through his hair as he grabbed my neck in his hand pushing me closer to him. We both pulled back out of breath and panting.

"Time for more drinks!" I yelled. He chuckled and followed me to the bar.


My eyes slowly opened for about a millisecond and I instantly regretted it. I was hit with the worst headache imaginable. I groaned and pulled the blanket I was using over my head. The smell of chocolate axe cologne invaded my nostrils and I opened my eyes wide under the cover. I pulled the cover down off my head and peeked out of it hippo style. I wasn't in my room. This room had white walls, a grey carpet and a black and grey comforter set. Oh no...

Something moved next to me and I squealed and jumped which resulted in me rolling out of the bed and onto the soft carpet with a thud.

The guy sat up straight in bed and looked down at me What was his name... Dylan! Dylan stared at me with a smirk on his face and I quickly looked down and pulled a blanket off the bed covering myself.

"Why are you on the floor, princess?" he teased.

"Ha-ha. So funny" I glared at him and he leaned over and pecked my lips quickly before telling me to get dressed. Dylan was such a sweet guy, from what I remember anyways, but I have to get home to Aubrey.

I got dressed and met Dylan downstairs. He had a small two story house that was surprisingly clean.

I walked around and found him in the living room watching t.v.

"Uh. Hey, Dylan? Could I use your phone to call a can? I have to-" I stopped talking when I realized he thinks I am over 18. What am I going to do? I cant lie. I actually kind of like Dylan. Ill just tell him later. "Please, I just have to get home" I finished.

He looked at me for a second.

"How about i drive you?" he asked.

"No!" I yelled. Realizing how that sounded i tried again. "No, thank you, but im totally fine taking a cab."

"I insist. Its not an issue, plus I would like to get to know you sober." He smiled and I after that I didn't know how to say no to him.

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