Crazy For You Part 2 (A)

Start from the beginning

But before i could get an answer he jumped  jumped on top of me pining me onto the floor staring me straight in the eyes with that stare,

The same stare I've been feeling all day

"Your the one who was watching me!" I said to him but he still didn't say anything all i could do was stare back into those black soulless eyes of his and i knew that there was a reason they were dark, full of hate and rage

"T-taehyung play nice to your new roommate he's only a kid" he looked at namjoon then looked down at me for a couple more seconds before leaning down to my face closer

And i just got lost again taking in all of his beautiful features his hair seemed as it was cut by him but it fit him, even though his eyes seemed dark they were brown and his lips i don't even want to get started

I reached up for his face and smiled "hi I'm jungkook"

"K-kookie" he said softly so that only me and him could hear i could tell that he doesn't talk to anyone else here

I just didn't know why the voices stopped talking usually they would be screaming at me to hurt people especially anyone that touches me but not taehyung

"I-I'll  just leave you two to it" after namjoon said that he disappeared quickly leaving only the two of us alone

Taehyung smiled at me widely it was like a boxy type smile then he helped me up "Dont worry i wont hurt you, I've been waiting on you my love" he said before he caressed my face

"I knew that one day you would come back to me and now here you are" i was confused? Deep down i felt like i knew him forever but how when i just met him today

"Y-you don't remember do you" he said face full of worry

"I'm sorry but i think you have me mixed up with somebody else"

Taehyung started to laugh like a mad men kinda throwing me off for a second then he kissed me and my heart stopped for a second

Its like his lips were always mines that they were made just for me

God I'm starting to sound like a crazy love obsessed teenager i just met him today i dont even know how old he is "its okay you don't have to remember they messed with your mind eventually you'll understand everything"

After he said that he grabbed my bags and put all of my things up for me he even made my bed i still didn't get what the hell was going on but I didn't mind it i liked his company way more than all the other people i was ever around

Staying at euphoria hospital wasn't all bad i had taehyung who cared for me but i made plenty of friends too like jimin he had a really bad eating disorder so he had to stay here his parents were bad people who drove him to that point

Me and him instantly clicked especially when we had everything in common,

Then there was yoongi hyung who shared the room with jimin now he had schizophrenia but he was a really chill guy to talk to I always go to him for advice

My psychiatrist hoseok who was extremely bright always cheered me up it was easy to talk to him about my nightmares i just could never open up to him about the voices i hear

Then theres namjoon hyung now that I've been staying here he's not all that scared of taehyung since he starts to speak it took him time to get used to it but i helped him with it

Oh and i almost forgot jin hyung my favorite he was like a mom to me honestly he would always ask if i ate or got any rest he worked in the cafeteria

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