"My sister has a thing for girls! Welcome to the fun side!" Frankie said clapping in delight of what he had just witnessed. He made his way to us.

"What are you doing up?" Ariana asked confused as to how he had found us.

"Oh please bitch, your little trolley race could be heard all throughout the hotel. I tried going to your room but your security told me you weren't there. Loud noise plus you out of your room, I put two and two together and followed the clues, Sherlock." He made his way to me.

"So who is the lucky girl?" He asked me the question.

"My name is Y/N. I work here." I did not know how else to introduce myself. I guest today was meeting the family day.

"I know, you got the god awful uptight uniform on." He joked and I laughed, mentally agreeing with him.

"Frankie! Behave please." Ariana laughed shoving her brother away jokingly.

"Yeah Yeah. So what are you bitches up to except for playing tongue hockey." He asked. I couldn't help but blush.

"What happened to you?" He said, interrupting his own questions, pointing at the result of Pete's punch.

"Pete. Pete happened." Ariana replied instead of me.

"Don't tell me that fucker was around here. If he shows his ugly ass face around here again, I'm making sure he'll need facial reconstruction." Frankie said. I mentally laughed at his overprotective brother attitude.

"Okayyyy, Frankie, please remind me not to annoy you." I said as Ariana joined in the laughing.

"As long as you treat my sister right, nothing will happen to you." I blushed furiously as I let a quick nervous laugh.

"Cute." I heard Ariana say from the side and Frankie laughed at my blushing. That did not help my blushing.

"Well, I was going to take this trolley back to where it belongs before it ends up waking the rest of the hotel." I said, trying to change the topic quickly - walking over to the trolley and rolling it out of the room. Frankie and Ariana followed behind me. I believe they were talking to each other but I couldn't hear over the noise of the trolleys wheel against the wooden floor.

We reached reception and I put it back at its place. Ariana made herself at home and just walked into the back office and Frankie followed.

"Oh wow, this is what you have to survive your night shifts in?" Frankie commented on the state of the back office. In hotels, back offices are like a storage room, offices, bar and mail room all at once. Full of glasses that no one cleared up after their shifts, lost and found items that were promised to be picked up but ended up forgotten on shelves, papers laying around everywhere and chairs that did not make it back to rooms or wherever they were taken out from.

"Yeah, I only work with boys. Cleanliness is not in their vocabulary. I end up having to clean after them. I just came back from some days off, hence the state." I explained a bit ashamed having them to see this room in this state, although Ariana had already seen it and it didn't seem to bother her.

"Well, dish the story of how you two started talking and how you managed to get my sister to kiss a girl that's someone else than her best friend." Frankie said throwing himself on the office chair and placing both of his feet up on the desk. Ariana sat on an office chair that I usually sit in and I sat on one of the other rolling office chairs and rolled my way closer to them.

We had talked for a little over an hour about everything and nothing. Frankie was funny and despite his extravagant behavior, he was a really sweet guy who loved his family so much. He had told us all about being in reality tv shows and about his love life. Occasionally he and Ariana told me stories of their childhood and common memories about certain parts of their lives. It was such a genuine moment.

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