Part 20

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*One Month Later*

The past month had been going great. My relationship with my parents is so much better than it was compared to 3 months ago. I was so close to calling it official with Jack, and today was my 18th birthday. Christina had to leave about 2 weeks ago due to college, so did Connor and Kaylee. Today was also my 4 year anniversary of when jack and I met.

Jack had planned to take me somewhere special for my birthday, so I was upstairs taking a shower and getting ready for it. I dried my hair off and I did something special with it. I went into my closet and looked for ours to find the perfect outfit. I eventually settled with a dress and I did my makeup. I put on a bit of perfume, then put on a pair of small high heels. I walked downstairs to be engulfed in a hug by the guys, except jack as he was getting ready. Z: "Happy Birthday Y/n! We're officially the same age now!" D: "happy birthday y/n!" C: "Happy birthday!" Jo: "Happy birthday y/n!" I then got a notification on my phone that I got a message. I picked up my phone and it was from Kaylee and Connor. It was a video message from them.

Happy Birthday Y/n! We love you so much! We're so happy that you're officially 18, and now you can do most adult stuff haha. Anyway we just wanted to send this to you and say that we love you and we're so happy that you decided to come try and fix your relationship with mom and dad. It's brought our family closer than ever before. We love you so much and we'll see you when we get back for summer break.

That was a sweet message from them. I put my phone down and I started getting a lot of messages from the fans say happy birthday. I heard footsteps coming from downstairs and immediately felt a pair of arms wrap around me in a big hug. Me: "I wonder who it can be?" J: "Happy Birthday! You know what else is today?" Me: Our 4 year anniversary of the day we met." J: "Yep, which is why this makes your birthday extra special." I laughed, and Jack and I headed out to go to my house. We took Jack's car and started driving to my house to visit my mom and dad. After about 30 minutes, we reach my house. I stepped out of the car to go inside and I saw my mom and dad at the kitchen table. Me: "Hey mom, hey dad" Mom&Dad: "Happy birthday Sweetie!" I went over and gave them the biggest hug ever. Mom: "How does it feel being 18?" Me: "It feels nice" Dad: "So do you have any special plans for your birthday?" Me: "Yeah, Jack has a special place that he wants to take me to" J: "Wanna get going there?" Me: "Sure" Mom: "Well have fun" me: "Love you guys" Dad; "We love you" jack and I walked out of the house and to the car. We made our way to the grove and got some Starbucks. We ordered our drinks, then went to take a seat. J: "How are you liking your birthday so far?" Me: "I love it so much Jack. Thank you" J: "You're welcome" We finished our drinks, then went to go look around and do a bit of shopping. We walked around for a while when jack's phone went off and he smiled at it. Me: "What's going on?" J: "Nothing" Me: "ok" It seemed suspicious that he was smiling at a text message. I couldn't really think that jack was cheating on me as we weren't even a couple yet. I slipped my hand into jack's as we walked around the grove a while more. We made our way back to our car and drove to a restaurant. We walked in and waited in line for a while. Waiter: "Hi, How may I help you?" J: "Hi, I have a reservation" Waiter: "Of course, follow me" We walked to where the waiter was taking us and had a seat at a nice table. Waiter: "what would you like to drink?" Me: "I'd like water" J: "I'll have a water too" Waiter: "Ok, I'll be right back with your waters" She walked away and Jack and I started talking with each other. Waiter: "Here are your waters, are you ready to order?" We ordered our meals, and we started drinking our waters. After about 20 minutes, she brought us our food. We started to eat, and it was probably the best lunch I had ever eaten in my entire life. J: "This is so good!" Me: "I know right! Where did you even find this place?" J: "I think Corbyn might have told me about this place" Me: "How does Corbyn always find out about all of these good restaurants and never tells us about any of them?" J: "That's a really good question." We finished our lunch, and paid our bill. We then left and started driving to a secret location. Me: "Where are we going jack?" He got another ping on his phone and smiled again. I was starting to think that he was talking to someone else or something. J: "You'll see where we're going." I sat back and waited for jack to maybe tell me where we were heading. After another 15 minutes, we pulled up to a parking lot. We got out and we started walking down a trail. Me: "Where are we going Jack!?" J: "You'll see in a while" We walked through the woods down a nature trail and it was amazing. We finally made it to where Jack wanted to take me. There wasn't anything there, but something about it seemed familiar. J: "Do you recognize this place?" Me: "Omg! Isn't this where we first met?" J: "Yes it is" We went into the middle of the park and I wrapped my arms around Jack in a big hug. Me: "I love it so much Jack" I started looking around and remembering all of the years that Jack and I had spent here when he had just started the band. I heard singing from behind me. I quickly turned out and saw the boys dressed up in tux's and Daniel had his guitar. Me: "What's happening?" I was confused and I didn't know what was happening as they started singing. Jonah came over to me and had me sit down on the ground. Me: "Why am I sitting on the ground. Jo: "you'll find out" I saw jack come and sit down in front of me. I was super shocked and I didn't know what to think. J: "Y/n, I wanna say something. I love you. I've been waiting for the day that you were ready for all of this to happen, and with everything that happened with you last month, I thought that it was too early to ask you." Jack pulled out a box from his back pocket. We both stood up as the boys continued to sing. Me: "What's going on" J: "Y/n, I know were too young to get married, but I wanted to give you something. I wanna give you this ring." He put it on my finger. I looked at him. Me: "Jack?" J: "yeah?" Me: "You Saved My Life. If you didn't wake up that night at that time, and if you didn't read that note, I wouldn't be alive. You're the reason why I'm even alive" We both stared into each other's eyes as we slowly leaned in, and our lips connected into a kiss.

That question that Jack asked me a month ago "What are we?" rung through my head during that kiss. That question led to this. It was all I ever wanted 2 years ago. I waited 2 years for this moment, and Christina was right. Just give it time. Jack. He saved my life. He's the reason I'm alive today. If he didn't find me when he did, I would be dead. All because of him, I was able to experience what i have in the past month.

We pulled away. Z: "So?" I looked at Zach and let out a small laugh. C: "So, is it official?" I looked at Jack in the eyes and smiled. Me: "It's official.

You Saved My LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz