Part 17

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The Next Day

I was awoken to the sound of Jack shutting the door. Me: "What are you doing up?" J: "I'm getting ready, you have an appointment remember?" Me: "I don't wanna go, I wanna lay in bed" J: "Y/n, You promised me that you'd go" Me: "Yeah I know" J: "Can you please get up then" Me: "yeah" I got up and went into the bathroom to start the shower. I went into my room and got a pair of leggings and a long sleeved shirt. I went and got into the shower and washed up. I got out and dried off my hair and put my clothes on. I went and brushed my teeth and left my face bare. I put on a pair of vans and went back into jacks room. Me: "Jack, I'm scared to go" J: "why?" Me: "What if they ask me stuff that's upsets me? What if I start crying and have a breakdown?" J: "They'll understand it y/n" You don't have to be upset about it. You're going to be 100 percent fine" Me: "are you sure?" J: "I'm sure" Me: "ok" We walked downstairs and Walked out to the car and got in the passenger side. We drove and made a stop at Starbucks. We continued our drive for another 30 minutes. We made our way into the building, which was ghostly silent. We walked into the office and a walked up to the front desk. A/N: "Hi, how may I help you" J: "Hi, were here for y/n" A/N: "Ok, Well she's ready to see you" J: "thanks" We walked down the hallways until we made it to the door. I grabbed Jack's hand and walked into the room. A/N: "Hi, my name's Abby, how are you?" Me: "Not very good" A: "Well, I'm going to ask you a bit of questions and then i'll be able to help you" Me: "Ok, I'm ready" As I answered her questions, I just felt more and more emotional and I hated it. I wanted to cry. I gave jack a look and we excused ourselves. We walked until we found an empty office. We walked in and I locked the door. I walked over to Jack and stood next to him, with my arms wrapped around me. J: "You're gonna cry aren't you?" I nodded and let the tears fall out. J: "Come here" He pulled me into a hug and I cried even harder. J: "Are you ready to go home?" Me: "Yeah" J: "Do you wanna try again another time?" Me: "Sure" He let me go and we made our way back to the room. I wiped my tears away before we entered the room. A: "Y/n, are you ok?" Me: "Yeah, I'm just ready to go home" A: "Ok, we can try again next week if you'd like" Me: "I'd like that" J: "Come on, let's go home" A: "See you next week y/n" Me: "Bye" We walked out of the room and down the hallways to the exit. We walked back to the car quickly as it had started raining. I laid my seat down a little bit so I could lay down. Me: "Jack, can we get something to eat on the way home?" J: "Sure, what do you want?" Me: "I don't care, want me to call the boys and ask them what they want?" J: "Yeah" I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Jonah.


Hey Jonah, do you guys want something to eat? We're going to stop and get something

Yeah that'll be nice

Ok, what do you want to eat?

It doesn't matter

Ok, bye Jonah

Bye y/n

I put my phone down and closed my eyes. J: "What do they want?" Me: "They don't care" J: "Ok" We continued to drive for another 20 minutes until we reached a restaurant. Jack went through the drive through and ordered the six of us food. I was starting to get really cold as it was raining. We paid for our food then started driving back to the house. Me: "jack, this is a weird question but do you have a blanket in the car?" J: "I don't think so but I have a hoodie in the back. Me: "Ok, thanks" I rummaged through the back and soon found his hoodie. I slipped it on over my shirt and rested my head against the seatbelt. I felt my eyes getting heavy, so I grabbed jack's hand to hold on the way home. I know we weren't dating or anything, but it felt like we were. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Jack's POV

We had just paid for our food and we were on our way back home. It was raining here in LA which was a bit odd. Y/n: "Jack, this is a weird question but do you have a blanket in the car?" Me: "I don't think so but I have a hoodie in the back. Y/n: "Ok, thanks" She started rummaging through the car and soon found a hoodie. I turned the heater up a bit since she was probably cold. I saw her out of the corner of my eye about to fall asleep. She grabbed my hand and held it as she fell asleep. We weren't dating, but I could feel that we were close. I wanted to ask her to go out with me, but after everything that's happened between us, I feel like it's too soon. I decided that I'd wait until she wanted to talk about it. We soon made it back to the house after 20 minutes of more driving. I parked the car in the driveway and woke y/n up.

Y/n's POV

I was awoken to the sound of jack's voice. J: "Y/n, wake up, we're home" Me: "Ok" I got up and made my way inside the house. I went and sat down on the table with the others. Z: "So? How'd it go?" Me: "I don't wanna talk about Zach" Z: "Oh ok, that's fine" I rested my head down on the table as everyone  started eating right away. J: "Y/n, here's your food." Me: "thanks Jack" I took a few bites of food before feeling full. Ch: "Y/n, maybe tomorrow you and I can go do something, just the two of us?" Me: "Yeah, that sounds good" I finished my food and went and laid down on the couch. I closed my eyes and felt someone lay down next to me. Me: "Jack, is that you?" J: "Yeah, it's me." I opened my eyes and started watching whatever they boys had put on. D: "So, are you guys a thing yet" J: "I don't know" I kind of smiled to myself. That question is what I want jack to ask me, but it's probably too soon. J: "wanna go upstairs?" Me: "Sure" I got up and made my way upstairs to Jack's room and threw myself onto the bed. Jack soon entered the room and laid down next to me. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his chest. I started rubbing my finger up and down his back lightly as we sat in silence. J: "y/n, I know it may be a little too soon to ask this, but what are we?" I didn't truly know how to respond to that as I hadn't been in the right state of mind recently. Me: "I don't know. What do you want us to be?" J: "Well it depends on if your ready" Me: "You know I love you Jack, but with everything that's been going on, I don't think I'm ready" J: "That's ok" We continued to sit there for a while until I got up and went to take a shower. I turned on the water and got in. I sat in the shower for a while, which made me feel a little better. I washed up and then go out of the shower. I dried my hair and dried my body off. I put on a pair of sweatpants and one of Jack's hoodies. I went back to the bed and laid down and went through Instagram to see if the fans were up to anything. I put my phone up and turned on a movie to watch. I pulled the blankets over me and watched the movie. I slowly fell asleep as I listened to the movie. Jack wrapped his arm around my waist and turned off the TV. I quickly fell asleep after a long day.

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