Part 5

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I pulled up the school and got out of my car and walked inside the school. Everyone was looking at me as I walked into the office. Secretary: "Hey Y/n, how can I help you" Me: "I wanna dropout" Secretary: "Why? Me: "I've been bullied for 5 years and no one's done anything to stop it!" I felt tears falling out of my eyes again as I told her the things everyone called me. Secretary: "Y/n, I'm so sorry. We'll look into it and they'll all be punished. Who all did?" Me: "The whole grade" Secretary: "Ok. We'll here are the papers. Just fill them out then you'll be unenrolled." Me: "ok" I filled out all of the papers to drop out, and after I filled all of the papers out, I handed them back to her. Me: "Bye" Secretary: "Bye y/n. It was nice having you here at our school." I walked out of the office and to my locker. I started packing all of my stuff when the whole grade came up to me. E: "What are you doing" Me: "I'm leaving. I hope you're all happy now that you got what you wanted. I'll be gone forever and you won't have to worry about me being a slut or a fatass anymore." A: "Y/n, we're all so sorry" Me: "it's too late to say sorry, and sorry doesn't cut it." K: "Y/n" I started walking away from all of them and back out to my car to go back home. I started driving home and I put the radio on to distract myself. I made it home and walked inside with my backpacks. J: "Y/n where were you" Me: "I went to drop out Jack" I walked up to my room and put my bags in the corner of my room. I got on my phone and started going through instagram when I heard a knock at the door. Me: "Who is it" It was Zach. Me: "Come in" Zach walked in and shut the door behind him. Me: "what are you doing?" Z: "Jack wanted me to come talk to you." Me: "what did he want to talk about" Z: "He wants to know why you thought it was a good idea to drop out" Me: "Zach, I'm just so tired of pretending to be ok, I'm so tired of pretending that it doesn't hurt. I'm so tired of feeling worthless." I broke out into a sob and buried my face into my hands. I felt Zach's arms wrap around me and I cried into his chest. Z: "It'll all be ok y/n" I stopped crying and I felt him let go of me. Z: "I'll be downstairs if you need anything." Me: "ok. Thanks Zach" He left the room and closed his door on the way out. I looked at the time and it was about four o'clock. I decided to go sit outside in the backyard to try to clear my mind after everything that happened today. I got up and walked downstairs and outside to the backyard and sat down. I started thinking about everything that has happened today. I felt more tears fall down my face. I was tired of thinking I'm worthless, and I wanted to talk to Jack or one of the boys but for some reason I felt as if I couldn't talk to them. They've been my best friends for two almost three years but for some reason I felt as if I couldn't talk to them. I got up and walked inside to the kitchen to get something to drink. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and started drinking it. Jonah walked into the kitchen. Jo: "hey y/n, what are you doing?" Me: "I'm chugging this bottle of water" Jo: "why" Me: "I'm frustrated Jonah" Jo: 'about what" Me: "It's like I don't know who to believe." Jo: "Believe what" Me: "everyone at school calls me a slut and that I'm fat but then you guys say that I'm not a slut and I'm not fat. So I don't know who to believe!" Jo: "Y/n believe us. We know you better than your own parents." I felt my eyes water up when Jonah mentioned my parents. They didn't love me either and they were always yelling at me and abusing me. Jo: "y/n, I'm sorry" He pulled me closer to him into a hug and started rubbing my back. Jo: "y/n I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry" Me: "It's fine Jonah" I said in between sobs. Jonah let me go and I headed upstairs to my room. It was now five thirty and I was getting tired from everything that happened today. I got in the shower for the night and washed up. I got out and found a pair of pajamas to wear, the brushed my hair and teeth. I got into bed and started watching youtube videos since I was bored. After about thirty minutes Jack came in my room and I sat up. J: "Hey y/n" Me: "Hey Jack" J: "wanna come watch a movie with us downstairs?" Me: "yeah sure." We started walking towards my door when I stop. Me: "Jack, can I talk to you" J: "yeah sure. You can always talk to me." Me: "it's about what happened at school today, with those girls, how they called me a hoe and I was fat. Is all that true?" J: "No. No not at all. Everything that they said is a lie y/n, you're fine. They can't bother you anymore ok?" Me: "ok. Thanks Jack" We walked downstairs and Jack and I sat down on a couch by ourselves. C: "what movie should we watch?" Me: "I don't care" D: "oh I know!" C: "what" D: "let's watch spongebob!" Me: "Daniel, that's not a movie!" Z: "Barney!" C: "You dumbass!" Z: "What?" C: "That's a child movie and you're an adult" Jo: 'we're watching a scary movie!" C: "ok" They found the movie and started it while the boys went to go make snacks. J: "Do you want anything y/n?" Me: "No" I rested my head in Jack's lap since I was so tired from everything that happened today and since I had a headache. I felt him play with my hair, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

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