Part 15

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*If you are sensitive or if suicide is touchy, skip this*

I went and left the note for my parents on the table. I walked out and got into my car that I had left at my parents house and drove to the boys' house. I walked in and I check all of their rooms and everyone was asleep. It was about 11pm now, and the place i wanted to go was about 5 minutes away. It was a cliff that over looked L.A. and Jack new that it was my favorite spot. I left the note on the table, then I got into my car and started driving to the cliff. I noticed rain drops on my windshield. I made it to my destination. I got out and stood at the edge of the cliff, waiting for the right time to do it...

Jack's POV
I got up and went downstairs to go get a drink of water. I turn on the light and I saw a note on the table. It was from y/n... I had a bad feeling in my stomach, and as I read it, I realized something horrible. She was going to kill herself tonight. I threw a hoodie on and my shoes as fast as I could and darted to the car. I turned it on and sped down the road, and I knew exactly where she was. She was going to be at the cliff with the view of L.A. I sped down the road ignoring the speed limit. I got there in less than 3 minutes. When I got there, I saw someone standing at the edge of the cliff. I jumped out of the car and when I got close enough, I could see y/n.

Y/n's POV
I was standing there waiting for the right time to do it. I was cold, I was wet, and I was in tears. I saw car lights pull up and I saw someone run out and over to me. It was jack. J: "Y/N DON'T DO IT PLEASE!" Me: "WHY SHOULD I?! NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME!" It was pouring rain at 11 at night and I was standing at the edge of a cliff about to jump. I was tired of being depressed and thinking no one cares about me. Then I heard the words that would change everything. J: "Y/n, I love you so much! I mean it this time! Nothing else!" i looked at him. I slowly backed away and moved closer to jack. I walked over to him and we both sat down. We didn't care that it was raining. I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around him in a hug as I cried into his chest. I heard jack crying too, which made me cry even harder. Me: "I love you so much Jack. I mean it too" We got up and walked to the car. We would have someone bring my car back tomorrow. We drove back to my house so I could get rid of the note that I had left. We drove back to Jack's house and walked back inside. J: "Go up to my room and take a shower, I'll take one downstairs and I'll get you some clothes." Me: "ok, thank you" We went upstairs and I went into the bathroom and I turned on the shower. I took my soaking wet clothes off and got into the hot shower, and started think about what would have happened if jack didn't wake up and read that note? Would I even be here? I started crying again. I washed my hair and my body, then got out of the shower and walked over to the mirror. I dried off and found some clothes on the counter. It was one of Jack's hoodies and a pair of shorts. I dried off and got dressed, then I got my phone and laid down next to Jack. J: "Do you wanna watch a movie?" Me: "Not really." I covered myself up with the blanket, and I wrapped my arms around Jack. J: "I'm so glad I got there in time" Me: "I'm sorry I tried to do that jack" J: "You wanna tell me more about it tomorrow?" Me: "Sure" I closed my eyes, and fell asleep next to jack, thankful to be alive.

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