Part 2

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We all got up off the floor and walked to the living room and sat down. J: "Y/n, you might want to get your stuff" Me: "i'll get it later." D: "aren't you supposed to be in school y/n" Me: "Yeah but something happened" Z: I'm sorry" Me: "It's ok Zach" I got up and went to the bathroom and locked the door and started crying as I slid down the door. I heard Jack at the door knocking for me to open it. J: "Y/n, open the door please" Me: "Why" J: "Just open the door" I slowly got up to open the door for Jack. I unlocked the door and he came in so I shut the door again and locked it. I slid down the door again and cried again. He sat down beside me and started hugging me. Me: "Jack, why does everybody hate me" J: "Y/n, not everybody hates you" Me: "But they do" J: "y/n, look at me. Not everyone hates you. Us guys don't hate you. We love having you here so don't say that again please" Me: "Ok" J: "Come on. We can go sit in your room and just watch movies and talk ok." Me: "Ok" I got up and walked with Jack upstairs to my room. J: "I'll go get your stuff and then we can unpack." Me: "ok" I laid down in bed while texting my friend Emily. E: "hey where are you?" Me: "I left school" E: "Why?" Me: "because I couldn't deal with all of the stress." E: "Where are you staying?" Me: "Well Jack and the boys got home from tour so I'm staying with them until they go on tour again." E: "Well see you tomorrow" Me: "Bye Emily" I put my phone down since Jack walked inside. J: "Here you go" Me: "thank you" I got up and Jack helped me unpack my stuff so we could relax. Me: "thanks for helping me Jack." J: "You're welcome" Me: "I've missed you Jack" J: "I've missed you too." Me: "How was tour?" J: "It was really good. Do you want me to show you the videos that we got?" Me: "Yeah sure" Jack pulled out his phone and pulled up the video that he had. I pressed play and turned the volume up so I could hear it and I was blown away by how good he sounded. Me: "You sound so good!" J: "thanks" I watch the other videos that was on his phone, and he sounded amazing in all of them. Me: "Did you have fun because you look like you're having fun" J: "i did" I put his phone down and looked at the floor. J: "Hey, what happened?" Me: "Nothing" J: "Come on y/n, I know what's bothering you" Me: "You do?" J: "yeah I do. Let's just go do something to take your mind off of everything" Me: "Well let's go see if the boys want to go to the fair" J: "Ok" We got up and walked downstairs to the boys as they were playing with nerf guns. Me: "Who wants to go to the fair?" Z: "ME!" D: "I WANNA GO!" C: "COME ON" JO: "COFFEE" Me: "Ok I guess we're going" J: "lets go" we walked outside and to the car. J sat there for about 5 minutes while they all argued over who was sitting where. I finally put an end to it by assigning them seats. Me: "there we go." I got in the front and buckled up while everyone else got in. J: "I get to drive today which is amazing." Z: "can I drive on the way home?" Everyone: "NO!" Z: "come on I'm not that bad" Me: "Zach, you about crashed into a wall" Z: "that was a long time ago" J: "that was a year ago Zach" I put on some music to silence Zach so he wouldn't be as annoying. We pulled up to the fair and we all got out. We split into groups, so it was Jonah and Corbyn, Daniel and Zach, and Jack and I. Jack and I walked around for a little bit trying to find something to ride. J: "ohhhh we should ride that one" Me: "ok let's go" We walked up to the line so we could get on the ride. I was getting really excited for the ride that I started freaking out. I calmed down just a little bit and we made it to the front of the line. J: "are we ready?" Me: "Yes" We got on the ride and they strapped us into our harnesses, and I slowly felt the ride moving forward. We made it to the top of the slope, and we started going down. I started screaming as I was having the time of my life. The ride ended after a minute, and Jack and I got off slowly since we were pretty dizzy. J: "that was amazing!" Me: "It was!" We to go get something to eat and drink while we settled down a little bit. After about five hours. We decided that it would be a good idea to go home since it looked like it was going to storm. We got into the car and started driving home before it started raining. We made it back to the house and and ran inside since it had started raining pretty hard. Me: "I'm going to take a shower." J: "ok" C: "I'm ordering pizza" Me: "ok sounds good" I walked upstairs to my room and picked out a pair of pajamas to wear for the night. I set them out on my bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the hot water and a little bit of cold water and stepped into the shower, then closed the curtain. I started washing my hair with the shampoo that I brought with me. I then rinsed it out and put some conditioner in my hair and then got my body wash and started washing my body. After about 5 minutes of washing my body, I rinsed my conditioner out. I shut the water off and got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. I wrapped the towel around my body and walked into my room to get dressed. I shut and locked the door and put my clothes on. I went into the bathroom to dry my hair and brush it. I brushed my hair out, then brushed my teeth. I walked downstairs with my favorite blanket that Jack had gotten me when I was 15 and we had just become friends. J: "i see you have your favorite blanket that I got you" Me: "yes I do" I sat down next to him and wrapped the blanket around me. I heard the doorbell ring and Zach jumped up. Z: "Pizza!" D: "Did you get me apple juice?" Jo: "Daniel, they don't have apple juice at Pizza Hut" D: "damn it I want apple juice!" Corbyn was getting the pizza as the others were fighting over apple juice and Jack and I were sitting on the couch. C: "Pizza is here" We all got some plates and grabbed some pizza and ate on the couch like we always did. There was a huge crack of thunder, and as I screamed I started choking on my food. I felt Jack's hand rubbing my back as I was coughing horribly. J: "You better now" Me: " a little bit" I finished my food, then put the plate in the sink. Me: "I'm going to bed." J: "same" Me: "goodnight guys" D: "night y/n" Z: "night" C: "Night night" Jo: "goodnight." J: "Night guys" We walked upstairs to our rooms. J: "Goodnight y/n" Me: "Goodnight jack" I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. Me: "thank you for coming to get me at school today" J: "You're welcome y/n" Me: "i'm nervous to go to school tomorrow" J: "Don't be. I'll go with you tomorrow" Me: "really?" J: "Yeah, I'll go with you so you can feel better" Me: "thank you" J: "You're welcome" Me: "I'm glad I met you guys" J: "we're glad we met you too" I let go of Jack and walked into my room and got under the blankets and played on my phone a little bit before falling asleep

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