Part 6

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Jack's POV

I came downstairs with y/n and we sat down on a couch by ourselves. The boys started fighting about which movie that we were going to watch, but we settled on watching a scary movie. Jonah and Daniel got up and went to go make snacks for the movie. Me: "Do you want anything y/n" Y/n: "no" She rested her head in my lap, and I started playing with her hair. It was in the middle of the movie when I looked down at her and she was sleeping. I didn't bother to wake her up to take her to her room, so I just let her sleep on me until the end of the movie. I slowly lifted her head off of my lap and stood up. Z: "Where you going" Me: "i'm taking y/n to her room then I'll be back" C: "ok" I picked y/n up and started walking to her room. I opened her bedroom door and put her down in her bed, then covered her up with her blanket. I turned off her light then shut her door and walked downstairs and back to the couch where I was sitting. D: "Jack" Me: "yes?" C: "Is there something you wanna tell us" He said suspicious. Me: "what do you mean?" Jo: "you love her don't you?" Me: "love who?" Z: "Y/n" Me: "What do you mean?" D: "You went to school with her so she would feel better. You let her dropout of high school even though she could have had an amazing future with an awesome job. When we just got back from tour and we were having an amazing time just by ourselves and when y/n called you crying about everything that was happening and she wanted to come see us again, you went and got her. You love her" I didn't want to admit it but I did love y/n. I've loved her for about a year. Me: "no I don't. We're just friends" C: "Come on Jack admit it!" Me: "No I don't" Jo: "Jack?!" Z: "Just admit it bro!" D: "You love her!" Me: "FINE I DO!" Jo: "Corbyn you owe me twenty bucks now" Me: "Why" Jo: "I made a bet with him that you love y/n" Me: "I'm going to bed." D: "have fun dreaming about y/n!" Me: "Shut the hell up Daniel" I walked upstairs to my room and took off my shirt and put on a pair of joggers. I got into bed and put my phone on the charger, then slowly fell asleep.

Y/n's POV

It was the next day and I woke up to my alarm going off. I had forgotten to turn it off, so I just shut all of my alarms off and went back to sleep.

3 Hours Later

I woke up to a bunch of noise downstairs so I automatically knew it was the boys playing video games. I got up and walked downstairs to go get something to drink. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and then went and sat down on the couch next to Jack. D: "morning y/n" J: "Morning" Me: "morning guys. How's your video gaming going?" Z: "awesome" Me: "well what are we doing today?" C: "I think we're going to the studio today. Wanna come?" Me: "Sure I'll go" Jo: "ok then go get ready we leave in an hour" Me: "what time is it?" J: "almost 11" Me: "WHAT?" I ran upstairs and started getting ready to go to the studio. I got into the shower and took a really quick shower. I got out and started getting dress, then i went and dried my hair then did a real quick braid. I slipped my vans on then walked downstairs with my phone. D: "are you ready?" me: "yeah, let's go" We turned off all of the lights and the walked out of the house and out to the car. I sat in the front with Jack and everyone else in the back. We started driving to the studio which was about 30 minutes away from the house. C: "turn on some music!" Me: "Ok" I put on some music and 8 Letters came on. They all started jamming and singing alone which was really cute. We later arrived at the studio. We got out of the car and walked inside and up a flight of stairs to the boy's studio. I sat on the couch as I watched them work on making more music. I walked over the piano in the other room where no one was. I started playing some tune when a song came to my head. I started singing which I never did unless I was alone. I started putting together a song that just came to my head which I thought sound ok. After awhile I stopped singing and got up when I noticed Jack was standing at the door. I stood there waiting for him to say something. J: "y/n?" Me: "y-yeah" J: "How come I've never heard you sing?" Me: "I'm too shy" J: "why? You're amazing at singing!" Me: "really?" J: "yeah. That's amazing! Did you write that song yourself?" Me: "yeah I just came up with you." J: "Omg what is it called?" Me: "i don't know actually. Want me to play it again?" J: "Yes please" I sat back down and started singing the song again, and I started thinking about what the name is. Me: "I've got it!" J: "What is it" Me: "Song 2 You" J: "I like it" Me: "Come on. Let's get back to the others" J: "Ok. I also got that on video" Me: "really!?" J: "Yep" Me: "I hate you sometimes." J: "I know you do" We walked back into the boy's studio and they finished up as I watched all of them do their work. C: "let's go" We all got into the car and started driving back to the house. D: "what's for dinner tonight?" Z: "Can we have pizza again!" J: "I'm down" C: "Let's do it" D: "Can we stop at the store and get apple juice?" Me: "yes we can Dani" we started driving to the store while I ordered pizza for us. We pulled up to the store and Jack and Daniel went in to go get apple juice. Me: "ok so when we leave here we'll go grab the pizza." C: "ok" Z: "I want the pizza!" Me: "Zach You have to wait" Jo: "i don't think he can wait for anything." Z: "Hey don't be mean to me! I'm the baby" Me: "Zachary you're 18" C: "you are" Z: "well still" Me: "Where are they? It doesn't take that long to go get a thing of apple juice." D: "we're back" Me; "finally" J: "sorry it took so long" Me: "ok we need to go pick up the pizza now" J: "ok" We started driving to Pizza Hut and I went in and grabbed the pizza. I paid for it then I went back to the car. Jo: "It smells so good!" Z: "I want some!" Me: "wait!" Z: "Fine" Jack started driving us back home so that we could eat and then I could go to bed. We pulled up to the house and we all got out and walked inside. I went around and turned on the lights so that we were able to see. I put the pizza on the table and I grabbed a plate, then got a slice of pizza. I went and sat on the couch and started eating my pizza while going through Instagram. I finished my food so I went and put my plate away, then walked upstairs to my room. I put on some pajamas and laid down in bed. I put my phone away and fell asleep almost instantly.

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