Part 4

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Jack's POV
I watched y/n run away and down the hall. I looked at all of them in disgust. A: "So, should we go finish eating?" Me: "why?" A: "Why what" Me: "Why did you ask me that" A: "Well you can do better than her. She's ugly and disgusting" Me: "She's not. You're the one who's ugly and disgusting." A: "what do you mean" Me: "What is wrong with all of you?! Why would you do that. Honestly I've never met people ruder than all of you combined. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You all are monsters" I ran down the hall to try to find y/n. I looked in every classroom I could find until i found her in a room at the end of the hall. Me: "Y/n let me in" She unlocked the door to the room.

Y/n's POV
I unlocked the door whenever I heard Jack's voice. I opened the door and let him in, the closed it and locked it again. I slid down the wall and started crying again. J: "Y/n" I felt his arms wrap around me and I cried even more. I felt Jack rubbing my back for comfort to make me feel better. Me: "Jack, can we just go home" J: "Yeah. Let's go" Jack helped me up off of the floor and walked me to the bathroom. Me: "i'll be back" J: "ok" I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. I makeup was smeared and running, and my hair was a mess. I cleaned up a little bit then walked out of the bathroom. J: "are you ready?" Me: "Yes. Let's go" We walked out of the school and to his car so that we could go home. We pulled out of the parking lot and started driving back home. We pulled up to the house and we walked inside to find the boys watching TV. They all looked at us. C: "Hey guys." Z: "you're home early" D: "What happened" I ran upstairs and into my room and locked the door. I found something comfy to wear and went to brush my hair and wipe all of my makeup off. I put my hair into a messy bun and went back downstairs with my favorite blanket and sat down next to Jack. I wrapped myself up in my blanket and got on my phone. Jo: "y/n, what happened" Me: "I don't wanna talk about it Jo" Jo: "Ok" Me: "Jack, can I talk to you upstairs" J: "Sure" We went up to my room and I locked the door so no one could come in. J: "ok so what do you wanna talk about" Me: "Jack, I wanna drop out of highschool." J: "y/n don't" Me: "Why" J: "Y/n, you could have an amazing future but you want to drop out?" Me: "Jack I'm tired of being hated and feeling like I'm not good enough for people. I'm tired of getting bullied." J: "Y/n, I don't want you to drop out. It's not good for you." Me: 'and It's not good for my mental health either, and Zach got to dropout!" I ran downstairs and turned off the TV. D: "Y/n!" C: "Why'd you do that" Me: "Zach, I need to ask you something." Z: "What" Me: "Do you think it's ok for me to dropout of high school" Z: "it's up to you" Me: "Well you dropped out" Z: "Ask your parents" Me: "No they won't listen to me" Z: "Jack, I think it's best for her to drop out" J: "but" Me: "Jack, I'm not that much younger than Zach. I'm dropping out!" I stomped out of the house and got into my car and started driving to the school. I was so frustrated with Jack. He didn't want me to drop out but I was tired of feeling worthless, so I thought that it would be the best option for me.

(Sorry this part was so short)

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