Part 14

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Y/n's POV
I woke up and Jack wasn't next to me. I got up and made my way downstairs to the living room where I saw all of the boys sitting on the couch watching a movie. I went and sat down by Jack. J: "Y/n, I wanna talk to you upstairs" Me: "about what?" J: "Just come upstairs" He grabbed me by the hand and we walked upstairs into his room. He shut the door and sat down on his bed. J: "What's going on with you?" Me: "What do you mean?" J: "YOu've been acting so weird lately, like you've been trying to distance yourself from us" Me: "You wanna know what's going on!?" J: "Tell me!" Me: "I feel like you don't like me Jack!" J: "Y/n, what the hell are you talking about? I like you!" Me: "Well that's not how I feel Jack!" J: "What have I done to you Y/n?! Tell me, what have I done!" He screamed at me. Jack had never screamed at me like that before. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I stormed out of the room and downstairs. J: "Y/n, wait where are you going?!" Me: "Somewhere where I won't be around you" I shut the front door and stood there. J: "Y/n.. please don't leave. I'm so sorry, I love you" I heard his voice break. I could tell he was on the verge of tears. Me: "Jack, I don't think you truly love me" I ran away and ran for a good half-mile until I came across a park. I found a tree and I climbed halfway up the tree. I sat there for a good few minutes before I pulled out my phone and went through instagram. I sat there for a few hours when I started thinking about all of the things said to me. I started getting so overwhelmed, I couldn't take it  anymore. I went to my house, which was 3 miles away, and I went into my room and I got some paper out and I started writing a letter to my parents. My suicide note.

*sorry if this upsets some people*

Dear Mom and Dad,
I love you guys, I truly do. Even all of the times that you screamed at me and told me I wasn't good enough for you, I still love you guys. But i decided that it was time to end it all. I'll miss you all so much. Tell Kaylee hi for me when she comes home from college. I'll miss Connor too, I'll miss all of you. I love you all so much, and I'll miss you.
Mom, you've been the best mother that you could be and I see it.
Dad, I know you are mentally ill and you have anger issues and all of the words that you've said have led to this, but I love you with all my heart
Kaylee, you're the best big sister I could ever wish for.
Connor, you're the best big brother ever.
I love you all


I then wrote my letter to the boys

Dear boys,
I love you, I love you guys so much. All of the good times i've had with you, i'll remember when i'm gone. I'll miss you guys, but i think it's time to end it. I've gone through too much, and I hate the pain i go through, so i think ending my life is the best thing.
Jonah, I love you jonah, you were the first one i ever talked to. You're my favorite coffee lover that i'll ever meet, tell tate hi for me next time that you see her...
Corbyn, you're my favorite little bean, I love you too. The way you treat christina, keep doing that. You're perfect for each other.
Daniel, my musical genius, I love you so much too. Keep making music and making all of the fans happy. . Stay happy daniel.
Zach, You're my favorite high school dropout that i've met. I hope that you never get stuck in a zombly acopolypes one day.
Jack, I'm so sorry for everything that happened between us, but I'm ending it... I love you so much, and I should have understood that you liked me and I should have said yes to dating you. I wanted to be the one to kiss you in the mornings, to give you hugs when your down, but i'm never going to be that. I hope that you find another girl that will be better than me. Just know, I love you so much. Never forget that...


(Legit I cried writing these)

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