Part 3

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The next day I woke up to my alarm going off. I slowly woke up and got out of my bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. After taking my shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my room to find something to wear. I put on a pair of leggings and a hoodie with my vans, then walked into the bathroom to brush and dry my hair. I brushed my teeth and put on a little perfume and makeup before grabbing my phone and bag and walking down the stairs to see Jack and Corbyn up. J: You ready? C: where you going J: Im going to school with y/n for the day so she can feel a little better after what happened yesterday. C: ok, have fun Jack J: shut up Corbyn Me: Bye bean C: bye y/n, bye Jack We walked out of the house and got into Jacks car and started driving to school, and I started getting nervous. J: Y/n, you doing ok? Me: not really. Im nervous J: Why? Ill be with you the whole time I promise Me: ok. Thank you Jack We pulled into the parking lot and found a place to park. We parked the car, then got out and started walking towards the door. I started breathing really heavy like I couldnt catch my breath. J: Y/n, calm down, itll be ok i promise you. Me: You sure J: Im sure Me: ok. Lets go We walked into the building and down the hall. I started getting nervous and sweating when I whispered something in Jacks ear. Me: Jack, can I hold your hand He didnt answer me but he just let me hold his hand knowing it would make me feel better. We made it to my locker and I put my stuff that I didnt need away, and took the stuff that I needed to my classroom. Jack had already talked to the school about him being here for the day, and they were ok with that. We were walking the halls when a group of girls came, up to us. Girl1: OMG ARE YOU JACK AVERY?! J: I am Girl2: Why didnt you tell us you were dating Jack Avery I just stood there. I looked up at Jack and he didnt know what to say either. Me: come on Jack I pulled him away from them and we just kept walking down the hall. Me: Sorry about them J: Y/n, its fine The five bell rang, so Jack and I started walking to my first hour class. We entered the room, and I showed Jack where I sat everyday, which was away from everyone else. The bell rang and everyone sat down in their seat to wait for the teacher. He walked into the room. T: Ok, get out the video notes I got my notebook with my notes and my pencil, and someone turned off the lights. The teacher pulled the screen down and turned the projector on. I started taking more notes when I noticed that Lia had moved seats, which was right next to me. I started freaking out again, and I looked at Jack. J: y/n, just calm down I realized that a piece of paper was on my desk, so I unfolded it to read it. I felt tears forming in my eyes as I read it. Why is he here you slut I ripped it up and felt tears flowing down my face, and out of the corner of my eye I saw her smiling. The video finished and we turned in our papers right as the bell rang. I walked over to Jack and grabbed his hand and we walked out of the room down to my locker. I held his hand tighter than before as we walked to my locker to get my stuff for my second class. J: Hey, y/n what happened back there? Me: Lia, she asked me why you were here then she called me a slut. J: Y/n, youre not a slut. Dont listen to her Me: Lets go We walked to my second hour, which was art. We walked into the room and we all got out our projects right as the bell rang. Miss May sat down and started working on a painting that she had been working on for the past month. I found an empty table to sit down with Jack and work on my project. J: wow, thats really good! How long have you been working on that?! Me: About a week. We have three more days to get it done. I just need about another day or two to finish it. J: It looks really good Me: thanks Jack I started working on my project while talking to Jack. J: So how are you feeling today? Me: I feel a little bit better since you came. J: Im glad Lia walked over to me and sat down next to me. I started freaking out, and Jack looked at me. I could tell he saw the fear in my eyes because he tried to calm me down. L: Hi y/n Me: What L: i just wanted to sit by you. Me: Why L: so we could try to be friends. Me: youre only saying that because Jacks here. If he wasnt youd be telling me how ugly and fat I am. L: Thats not true. Me: Get away from me, I dont want anything to do with you! J: y/n, calm down Me: I cant Jack! J: Lia just go away L: Fine The bell rang, so I put up my project and walked out of the room with Jack. We walked back to my locker and got my third hour stuff. We walked to third hour, which was the most boring class of the day, but it was the best because it was one out of two classes that I have with my friend Emily. I walked in and I saw Emily. E: hey y/n Me: Hey E: Hey Jack J: Hey We sat down and got out our packets to finish our paper. It was nice that the teacher let us talk because I really wanted to talk to Jack. Me: Jack, are you getting bored J: No why Me: Because if you are you can just leave J: Even if I was bored Im not leaving you Me: You sure? J: positive. We all handed in our papers since the bell had just rang. We went to fourth hour since I didnt need anything from my locker. We sat down and the teacher started explaining things to us, but I didnt even listen. I never listened because I didnt think it was important. When the lunch bell finally rang, I got up really quick with Jack and started walking to lunch. I didnt want anything to eat, but I got a water to drink since I was really thirsty. J: Arent you going to eat? Me: No, Im not hungry J: You sure Me: Yeah. I started talking with Jack when a group of people came and sat down next to me. I looked and it was a group of people who hated me like everyone in this school. It was Ella, Ally, and Kate. K: Whos this? Me: Jack E: jack who Me: Jack Avery A: What is he doing here Me: Hes my friend K: Oh surprised you have any friends A: Same. Who would be friends with a hoe like you Me: Im not a hoe E: quit lying. Everyone hates you and you know it. Me: No they dont I- A: Look, she cant even get the words out of her mouth. They pushed me onto the ground and everyone in the lunchroom started crowding around us. J: y/n, are you ok Me: Kind of I got up and got away from them. K: you know, no ones ever going to love you because youre just a slut and a fatass and youll always be hated. I felt even more tears falling down my face as I ran into a classroom and locked the door. I slid down the wall and just cried.

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