Plans Coming Together

Start from the beginning

 "You're right." Dean agreed sighing.

 "Come on, it's time to go collect the tomes." Zander replied smiling.

 "Did you find anything else in Grant's notes?" Dean asked hopeful.

 "Unfortunately, no, and there was nothing in the prophecy either."

 "Dammit!" Dean said upset. "Okay, hopefully the tomes will have something in them we can use to figure this shit out."

 They left the basement and after telling the others they were leaving, they left the monastery and headed to their spot. Once they were close enough they kept to the tall grass; staying hidden, as they sensed for any Vamps. After not sensing any they came out of hiding and Zander waited while Dean went to the spot Keeper had told him he'd hide the tomes at. A few seconds later, Dean came back to him carrying a large, old chest, covered in old symbols that only a Vamp would know and be able to read. He sat it on the ground between them before Zander spoke.

 "Wow, Keeper wasn't kidding when he said that he was going to ward the tomes against mortals." Zander said in awe, as he crouched down and gently ran his hand over the chest.

 "What do you mean? What are all these weird drawings?" Dean asked confused, as he crouched down too across from Zander and examined the chest.

 "These aren't drawings, Dean, these are symbols. The ones carved into the chest are powerful, old magic." Zander explained smiling.

 "What does that mean?" Dean asked even more confused, as he touched some of the symbols.

 "To us, absolutely nothing, to a mortal though, it can mean physical injury or even..." Zander replied trailing off.

 "Or even what?" Dean demanded, as he looked at Zander.



 "They're ancient warding symbols our ancestors created to keep precious items from falling into mortal hands."

 "How do you know all of this?"

 "Simple, when you've spent as much time by yourself trying to find a way to end your kind as much as I have, you tend to learn a few things over the centuries. In fact, once this battle with Vassago is all over with I can teach you everything I know, if you like?"

 "I would  actually, thanks Zander." Dean agreed smiling.

 "You're welcome, for now though, luckily, Keeper decided on the symbols that would only injure a mortal if they touch the chest or try to open it...which is very surprising given his hatred for mortals."

 "That's a good thing then, can...can we turn it off or something?" Dean asked.

 "Actually, we can, you can."

 "Me?" Dean asked panicked, as he stood. "How the hell can I do it when I didn't even know what the hell they were?"

 "Yes, you can." Zander replied smiling, as he stood too. "It's easy, I promise."

 "I...I don't think I can."

 "You can and you will with my help."

 "Okay." Dean agreed reluctantly.

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