“Done.” Max and Tom said in unison so I threw them the keys and they threw me a pair too.

“Take the SLK.” Max said as the two of them ran out like little boys. I laughed slightly and then Jay put his hand in mine, leading me through to the garage.

“Here she is.” He said, pointing to a shiny black Mercedes SLK.

“Awesome.” I smiled. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

“Wait, you’re not going on your own girly, it’s too dangerous.” He said protectively.

“Jay, I’m going to the liquor store, I’ve been there loads of times, I’ll be fine.” I laughed. “I just want to have a normal night for once, no vampire protection or blood sucking or killing people. I just want a normal night, drinking with friends, okay?” I asked and he sighed, nodding.

“If you don’t come back in one piece I’ll have to punish you.” He smiled weakly and opened the driver’s side door for me, letting me climb in. I shut the door and started up the engine as Jay leant on the side of the car, using his hands to support him.

“Stay safe.” He side, smiling at me through the window.

“Always do.” I smiled back and pulled out as he pushed off the side of the car. I drove out of the garage and followed Max and Tom out, down the drive and onto the dusty road outside. I honked my horn as they pulled out onto the road and headed in the opposite direction to me before pulling out myself and starting the journey to the liquor store on the other side of L.A.

I’d gone there every time I’d been in L.A and the guy that owned it knew me well. He always seemed to give me some sort of discount or freebee, whether it be a free bottle of vodka or knocking a digit off of the price, he loved to see my face and it would be nice to see him again after such a long time.

After about fifteen minutes of driving down lonely roads without street lamps or other traffic, I finally reached the small group of houses and shops that included the shop. I pulled off of the dirty road and up outside of the store, grinning at the familiarity of everything.

I hopped out of the car and locked it before pushing open the door to the store and walking in. My eyes flew wide as I saw a masked guy with a gun, pointing it at Rizz, the fifty year old owner of the shop.

“Please.” He whimpered from behind the counter. “I’ve got a family and-“

“YOU!” The guy shouted at me, now pointing the gun towards me. “Close the door and come over here.” He instructed and I nodded, closing the door quietly and making my way over.

“I think you need to calm down-“ Rizz started but the guy turned a shot a bullet, just missing Rizz’s shoulder.

“DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” He screamed at him. “NOW GIVE ME EVERYTHING IN THE TILL OR I’LL SHOOT THE GIRL AND THEN YOU!” The guy grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me in front of him, pointing the gun to my head.

“Look,” I said, laughing. “You’ve chosen the wrong girl to mess with. I’m going to give you five seconds to walk out of this store in a calm fashion or you’re going to regret ever touching me.” I warned with a growl.

“Is that a threat?” He laughed from behind me.

“One.” I counted.

“GIVE ME THE MONEY!” He shouted at Rizz again.

“Two.” I said, smirking.

“Okay, okay…” Rizz said, opening the till with shaky hands.

“Three.” I continued.

Insanity - Jay Mcguiness FanficWhere stories live. Discover now