Chapter 1

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My name is Noir. I'm 16 years old and still single. I'm not complaining because my life is at least normal in a way. Or at least it was.

My life has suddenly become messed up after seeing this dog at my front door. It was weird. The dog was a pretty white color.

I named him Akira and he seemed to like it. Only after a while I noticed that the dog would sometimes disappear and not come back for a while.

On my way home from school the dog walked beside me. "Akira would you like some food?" I casually looked at the dog. Akira jumped on me as if saying 'yes' so I went to the store and got him food.

My parents didn't seem to mind the dog being around which I was thankful for. I layed on bed and Akira jumped up and layed right next to me. He nudged my side and I petted him.

I sat up and played with him for a while. Through the whole night I slept with Akira right next to me.


The next day at school a transfer student came. He introduced himself as Akira and I stared at him. He has the same name as the dog I picked up.

At the time I didn't know he was staring at me. The classes seemed to drag on and I slept in half of my classes. It was finally time to leave as I jumped up happily and ran out the door.

Finally. Now I get to go see Akira. I got home and Akira wasn't there. I was confused but a few moments later he came through the window.

I picked him up and held him. "Your so cute." I rubbed his ears watching them perk up. So cute! I giggled to myself and set him down.

I sighed and looked at my ceiling. The patten covered the wall beautifully. It reminded me of that new boy Akira. Hmm why am I thinking about him? Actually how does it remind me of him? I shook my head and cleared my thoughts.

I layed on bed about to go to sleep. I was tired from the long day at school. Akira jumped on my bed once again and snuggled with me. I held him gently as I fell asleep entranced in the darkness.

[Hey guys sorry for the short chapter. Just so you know this is kind of like a preview so I only thought of it on the spur of the moment. Don't judge. Anyways I won't start this until a little bit later. Please enjoy this series. Stay Awesome!


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