Anthony x Reader

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Petals fell down around us, a light breeze brought cool air to my face, turning my nose a slight pink, my ears chilled.

His freckled face turned to me, a small smile gracing his lips. "Think it's time to go back inside?"

I gave him a quiet hum in response, and he glanced back to the sky. Dark gray clouds were rolling in from the north, and I knew they would soon replace the soft whisps we spent the evening looking at.

"You know it's gonna rain soon. I don't want to have to drive in the rain-" he started.

I cut him off, "because the roads will be slippery. I know, Anthony."

"Then let's go," he chuckled and grabbed my hand. It was warmer than my own.

I sighed and stood up, pulling him with me, "fine, let's go."

He kissed my forehead, "I'm sorry love, maybe we can come back when the ground dries."

I was silent until we started back on the road, "forecast says snow."

"Then we can build a snowman," he glanced between me and the road, the smile returning to his face. He gave me directions until we got to the main road, and then the car was quiet again.


Anthony finally awoke to the lights of the city in passinf my the car window. Small drops of rain splattered against the windshield.

"Morning sleepy head." I said absent-mindedly.

He glanced over at the radios clock, 7:28pm. "Morning my ass."

"There's the sass I remember."

The car was silent again, save for the near inaudible music I had been playing.

The outer city passed by the car. It didn't take much longer for me to start to recognize the buildings around us. A few minutes longer and we pulled into our apartment buildings garage.

The cat greeted us at the door. I had tried brining her with us in the past, but she hated the leash and I didn't trust her to not run off.


The rain had gotten harder, and thunder rolled in, a harsh rumble against the soft music making me jump.

Anthony rubbed my shoulders and I leaned my head into his chest.


I woke up on the couch. Turtle, the cat, sat on the arm chair batting at my hair. I forgot to fead him.

I got up, wrapped a shall around my shoulders and set off for the kitchen.

Anthony had left for work already, it was far too late for him to still be home.

I did some small cleaning and then began my day.

Feed the cat, do some paperwork, make some phone calls, eat, get dressed, and then get in the car.

I slept in too much, and now with all the work I had to do I knew I would be late.

The same time everyday, for months and this had to be the one day I was late.

I cursed myself silently as I drove.


Anthony was waiting for me under the cherey blossom tree.

"Welcome back my love," he smiled, his voice music to my ears. I never thought about it much, but I miss the days when I could listen to him on the stage, living his dream.

"You know, this tree has been getting along nicely." He said as I sat down next to him.

I turned to look at the stone at the base. The date was inscribed on it, one year to the day.

"Remember how sick I was? You basically had to carry me up the hill." He laughed and looked down at the car.

If anyone came by they would wonder why there was only one car. They'd be even more confused why I was talking to the air around me, pointing up at the any and laughing.

But I didn't care. People would blame grief and talk about how they were sorry for the widow of a Broadway star. People would talk about how terrible it was that he died and his wife went crazy without him.

I didn't care. I didn't care at all because my love was still besides me, even if no one would believe me.

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