Hercules x reader

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In my defense, they were being really loud, and I am a known light sleeper. They honestly couldn't expect me to stay alseep during their whole "prank." 

John, Alexander, and Laf all stood in an assembly line kinda thing, it was stupid, their prank. 

Water cups, surrounding the bed, all around the room, and into the hall. it was meant to be annoying to Hurc, who hates getting wet, but now I had to deal with 3 annoying people at 6am. 

"Can you please, for the love of God, be more quiet?" I harshly whispered to them, moving up on my elbow, trying my best not to wake the snoring man next to me. 

They all turned to me, eyes wide, mouths agape. I just sweetly smiled at them and then layed back down, curling back up to Hurc. 

I heard a few mumbles of 'sorry, Y/n.' 

"Nah, just keep on going, just don't get my blanket wet, or I'll kill you." I has just accidentally become part of the biggest prank war I had ever seen. 


I woke in the morning to a plethora of curse words and screeching. I was mad at first, but then I remembered what I witnessed last night, and lightly smiled to myself.    

"Y/n, why the FUCK am I soaking wet?" Hercules was standing on his side of the bed, pants wet and water dripping down his bare chest.  I looked up at him, the smile still on my face. 

"I'm not sure dear, why are you soaking wet?" I sat up, stretching out my arms and yawning. 

He paused for a moment, and then glared, "Wait so you knew about this?"

"I woke up when they were doing it."

"I'm breaking up with you."


This cycle of night time pranks went on for some time. Eventually, I broke off from the group of boys and joined up with Alexander's girlfriend, Eliza, and we made our own team. Days would go by with no drama, everyone would be on edge, and then BAM! 

Someone would wake up with a pile of spiders on them. That someone was me, and the person who threw them on me, got to sleep in the bed that night, as I slept over at Elizas. 

The biggest prank was Team HurcLaf vs Team Not Gay For Each Other We Both Have Wives (Alex and John). It started off small, removing all the batteries in the house, then it got worse... much worse

After the batteries were removed, Alex thought it would he a good idea to also remove all the clothes, silverware and other kitchen utensils, them move around the furniture (6 inches to the left), and finally ended with the entire apartment being covered in bubble wrap. 

Team HurcLaf retaliated nicely, asking for the help of Team We Don't Want To Be Part Of This Please Leave Us Alone (Eliza, New Member Angelica, and Myself). 


We removed everything from the house. Every last relic of Alex and Johns shared house. Then, we moved in an actor family. We payed them to pretend this was their house, and they even added some of their own stuff to the newly decorated home to make it seem more realistic. Soon enough, we got the neighbors in on it, and they agreed to pretend they never knew Alex or John. 

It was ciaos for the two boys. They had no clue what was going on, and when we finally told them, to say they were pissed was an understatement. 

But they got back. They got back at the apology dinner. It was customary to invite the pranked team over to your house to eat dinner. It never had to be anything big or fancy, just a dinner. 

And Alex had a plan.

You see, Hurc, as much as I love him, is often times unspecific with his requests. So when he asked Alex to go into the kitchen and get "that one thing", meaning the hot sauce, Alex went into the closet and brought back the ring he had been hiding in there. 

Hercules was a wee bit shocked, but when he was forced to get down on one knee and propose, I was even more shocked. 

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