Burr x Child!Reader

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I'm more sorry. Someone force me to make something happy for once. Also oops, History seems to be a bit smuged

"Then stand, Alexander. Weehawken, dawn. Guns, drawn." I could hear father getting angry and angrier as he continued to write. It wasn't a normal thing for him to speak out loud as he wrote, he prefers to keep it quiet so prying ears wouldn't hear. Ironic.

I would have kept listening if not for my older sister, Theodosia, having grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Y/n! Why are you listening to dad?!" She seemed a bit upset with me.

"He just seems mad... I thought I could make him happy," I lowered my gaze to the soft edge of my night gown, right where it stopped above my feet.

"I know.." she suddenly pulled me into a hug, something she did a lot since mom went on her trip. That was a while ago. I wonder when she'll come home.

"Girls, shouldn't you be in bed?" I hadn't heard him coming until he was standing in the doorway. He had a small smile on his face.

He didn't wait for an answer, he just told Theo to get in bed, and he picked me up. "Want to sleep with me tonight, Y/n?" I nodded and rested my head against his chest.


That had been a few nights ago, and now I watches as he got finished putting on his over coat, the black one he didn't normally wear.

I closed my eyes and tried to fake sleep while he crouched down in front of me, "Y/n, I gotta go into town," he paused and took a deep breath, "I should be back soon, but if I'm not, read this okay?" He set a small envolope onto the bedside table. It would have been mom side of the bed if she was here. I smiled and nodded, and he kissed me on the forehead.

"If I'm not back, William will come get you, and you can spend the night at his house." It took me a while to remember who William was, but I knew it was the Ness man who babysat us while dad did all his work stuff.

I fell back asleep as dad closed the front door.


The sun had come out by the time I woke up. Theodosia was cuddled into my side, her tears made my dress wet. My older brother John was next to her, but he just sat with no emotion.

I didn't know why Theo was crying, but William was here, and he seemed to be trying to comfort her.

Apparently, we would get to spend sometime at Williams house. John helped me pack some clothes, and when he was getting my stuffed animal out of dad's room, he grabbed my letter from him.

I read it on the way to Williams house.

My dearest baby, Y/n,
If you are reading this, then you won't get to see me for awhile. I'm going to go visit your mother for a long time. A long, long time.

I'm sorry to have to do this to you. To leave you at such a bad time, but I see now this may not have been able to be helped. This trip was being planned for awhile, you see.

I know that Theodosia will make sure you can still live a happy life.

I'll miss you dearly, but I know that we shall see each other again in due time.

Your father,
Aaron Burr

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