Laurens x Reader

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Non specified gender reader, but written so it's more of a male. Happy Pride month. I meant for this to be happy, but I was crying by the end

"Maybe a turtle theme? Some nice blues and greens on the walls," he ran his hands through my shortish hair that laid across his legs.

"We don't even know what the baby will like yet!" I laughed and looked up at my husband.

"Who doesn't like turtles, Y/n?" He raised his eyebrows at me in a moment of nonrare sass. I laughed more.

"Okay, but only if I get to pick the next child's room design." He nodded and said yes to my agreement.


"I think cats would be cool," I said absent-mindedly.

"For what?" John asked from the kitchen.

"A babies room." I said in reply. I would have answered more in depth, but our little boy, age 2, had just decided that his apples would taste better after being thrown onto the floor and I was now presented with the task of cleaning up a mess.

"How about you control that child before dreaming of a second, babe!" We both laughed as I picked up the apples and threw them away in the kitchen. I kissed John on my way back to the couch.


"Come ooooooon! Jack," the name of our son, "sooooo needs a baby sister!" It was just about 2am, and I had yet to drop the subject of adopting another child.

"Ooooooor, we could be happy with our one child!" John wasn't really having it. He had always wanted a baby boy, and that was it. Me, on the other hand, wanted many children.

This was something we always fought about. It was ongoing, and would be until I got my way.


Now that the walls had been painted a soft gray, it was time for the multicolored purple flowers. John had shot down my cat idea, but the gray and purple flowers was a go.

At least I was getting a baby girl.


"Shhhhh, please baby," I whispered to the crying infant in my arms. Turns out newborns don't like plane rides. Jack wasn't really minding it, he liked looking at the pretty clouds.

Unlike Lilly, Jack was from the same city we were, so it was only a short car ride to pick him up. With Lilly, India wasn't that close. And not able to be driven to when you live across the ocean.

But looking over at my sleeping husband, across the isle from me, it was worth it. He had the cutest way of curling up in his seat.

While I was looking over at him, Lilly had finally calmed down. Hopefully she stayed that way for the rest of the ride.


"Happy birthday, dear Ja-ack, happy birthday to you!" The family happily sung to my now five year old son.

He smiled brightly before blowing out the candles. All in one blow too.

After cake had been eaten and presents opened, John stepped out, much to the dismay of Jack. Little did the small boy know, John was walking next door to retrieve the real gift.

Bailey was a 3ish year old mutt, freshly picked up from the shelter that day. A nice dog for little kids. He was a skinny little guy, his fur was missing in some spots, but he was a nice boy.

To say Jack was the happiest child in the world, would be very correct. To say Bailey was the happiest pupper in the world, would be very correct. They were made for each other.


"Happy birthday, dear Lilly, happy birthday to you!" Once again, a fifth birthday had come around, this time little Lilly was turning five.

And little did she know, Hazel was waiting for her in the back yard. A smaller, what we believed to be a pit bull mix, puppy ran around waiting for her new girl.

They were as good of a match as Jack and Bailey, now a much larger dog and happy dog than he was before.


"I have never seen that cat in my life, John." I stood looking down at the tabby sitting on my coffee table.

It was the middle of the night, the kids and dogs lay sleeping in their beds, and John and I stood in the living room.

"I can tell you are lying to me, Y/n." His arms were crossed. He didn't believe me.

"Never once seen it." I insisted.

"If you tell the truth I'll let you keep it." He smiled at me. He knew he had me now.

"I smuggled her in while you were at work." I caved. She was so cute, with her nice brown fur, it was just so soft.


"My head hurts."

"Your head literally always hurts now."

"Maybe it's your dammed cat."

"Shut the hell up, John."


"When is daddy coming home?" Lilly looked up at me with those big brown eyes of hers.

"When you get older, sweetheart. You'll see him again when you get older." I hated telling our little girl that, and I knew by this point she didn't believe me.

Jack knew the truth.

A death of a parent hurts you harder when you are ten, not seven.

It hurts harder when you understand why your dad won't be coming home.


"How is Bailey doing, Jack?" You can only hide feeding the dog under the table for so long. He normally didn't do this much, but with the old dogs 13 birthday coming up, he wanted to do it more and more.

Bailey was slower to get up in the morning, his old bones hurt. At first I just chalked it up to weather, but the graying hairs could only be ignored for so long.


I cried as I was forced to hold my son as he watched his best friend be put down.

I knew Purdy, my cat, would be upset when we got home, dogless. The old man made a good bed, I guess.


Hazel lived much longer than Bailey. Live long enough to see Lilly go off to college. The poor mutt didn't know why her best friend didn't come home anymore.

I gave Lilly a call one morning to tell her the news. The vet had told me it Hazel was on her last days, that they could only treat her sickness for so long.

Lilly drove up immediately, saying that she could skip classes for a day to visit her dog before the passing. Normally I wouldn't endorse her skipping out on education, but I knew she had to be with her girl. 


"Lilly, baby, thank you." I hugged my little girl tightly.

His grave was covered in little plastic turtles and multishade purple flowers. Gray ribbons, the ones for brain cancer, were pinned to the headstone.

"It wasn't just me. Jack helped, too," she told me. It was at that moment I felt his strong arms wrap around me. He always gave the best hugs, but only second to those of his father.

Then I felt their partners arms, and then the grandkids smaller arms.

I could almost feel John's arms there too.

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