Jefferson x Reader

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"France is such an wonderful place, I really do question your choice to take us back." I rested my head on his shoulder, my arms snaked around his arm.

"We can't stay here forever, you know that," Thomas paused to kiss my forehead, "I have work to do back in America."

"Yeah like study boring court cases and flirt with your secretary?" I looked up at him, eye brows raised.

"You... you are my secretary?" He gave me a weird look, a small smile on his face.

I giggled and kissed his nose, "yeah I know."


"Babe I'm cold," I whined to him

"Get your blanket then." He didn't take his eye of the road.

"Buuuuut," I tired to get his attention, but he chose to just ignore me. Annoyed, I reached into the back seat to grab it, sighing once I had settled back in my seat. The trip back to his house was boring. A car ride was somehow more boring than a plane trip.

"We'll be at my parents soon." He mumbled

"I thought you said that after France we would go back to New York." I had given up trying to get him to pay more attention to me.

"I also promised my mother I'd come home for Easter."

"Fine." I turned full away from him in this uncomfortable seat, my head leaning against the cold glass of the window.

"Can you please just forgive me? Stop playing this little game of attention and ignoring?" He took his eyes away for a moment, only to glare at me.

I stayed quiet for the rest of the drive.


"Tommy!! Y/n!! Oh dears come in, come in!" I never understood how his mother could be so cheery.

"Hello, mother," Thomas stepped inside, hugging his mother once he was.

I stood there and smiled, leaning down to pet Thomas' old dog, Mac. The old mutt had come to live on the farm a while ago.


"So, tell me, how have you two been?" I suddenly realized that Thomas never told his mother of the events of the last few months. To be fair, I feel she would have a heart attack if she heard of the things her son had done.

Thomas smiled, "we've been good, right Y/n?"

I could see the slight pleading look in his eye, the smile the read full of lies. I turned to his mom and nodded, my mouth still full of food, which saved me from really having to answer.

"I'm glad to hear that. You two have away been the cutest together," she looked between us, a mischievous smirk on her face, "do you have any plans for a... little baby to join you two..?"

I choked on my food for a moment, trying to hide it with a laugh. Thomas looked at me, "um, I don't believe we have really talked about that."


"When are you going to tell her?" I looked up at him from the bed.

"Tell her about what? How terrible of a husband I am?" He sighed, looking over at me.

I remained quiet while he got dresses. "You could have at least told her about the miscarriage."

"If she knew about that, it would open a whole new can of worms." He sighed and sat down on the bed, facing me.

"Worms that talk about you fucking some random girl?" I glared at him.

"I said-" he cut himself off, knowing if he continued I'd probably kick him out of the bed, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I was upset okay... I love you."

"I know you do." I turned around, facing away from hom, and laid down under the covers.

Thomas sighed, "how many times do I have to say it?"

"How many times did you see her behind my back?" He shut up after that, laying down a few minutes later. I heard the lamp click off, and soon after his light snores.


"Love, it's time to wake up, we need to leave if you want to go back to New York." I woke up to him shaking my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, I saw him standing in front of me, already dressed.

"What day is it?" I yawned and stretched, looking around the room.

"We've been here for a week now, and  unless you want us both to miss work, we should get going." He stood up and walked away from me, over to his bag, which he slung over his shoulder. "You getting up or do I have to come lay on you?"

"The second option doesn't sound too bad.." I mumbled into my pillow.

I felt the bed sink under his weight, then his arm went around my waist. "Like this?"

I nodded my head, cuddling up into his chest. "Just because I'm doing this doesn't mean I've forgiven you."

"I know..."


"Alex, Eliza! Come in, come in!" Alex and Thomas were being forced to work together, something which the pair both hated.

But it gave me time with his wife so I really didn't care about their annoyance, as long as they didn't burn our house down.

I could hear the two men arguing while Eliza and myself drank our tea and talked about how terrible our husbands were.

It really was a good chat we had, we were very similar, other than the fact she had 7 children and I couldn't manage to have 1, but details shmetails.

"How've you been dear? I know the latest few months have been really hard for you," Eliza sat next to me, her hand placed on mine.

"I still love him... I know what he did, but he's still just Thomas, he's still the man I married and I don't want to give that up," I looked over at her, hoping she'd understand me. She nodded her head and squeezed my hand.

"You'll feel like that for awhile, Y/n. I know it's hard, but, if you really love him, and he loves you, you can get through this." She gave me another smile.


"How did the meeting go?" I was cuddled back into his chest, his arms around me and chin resting on my shoulder.

"Alex was acting like a dick..." he said into my hair, his lips now pressed into my neck. I actually felt like peace like this, this was the most intimate we had been since I came home from the hospital.

"Like me being a dick to you, or?" I tried to make a joke, but it felt flat half way through.

He laughed, it was a forced one , but a still a laugh to me, "no not at all. You haven't been a dick, Y/n."

"Yeah I have." I presses my head into his chest more, my hand moving from under me to lay against his arm.

"You've been fair."

I sniffled lightly, trying not to cry, knowing that if I did my tears would fall right onto his bare chest. "I love you..."

"I love you too."


"I swear to God if you throw up one more ti-" I cut Thomas off, walking into the room and throwing him something.

"I'm pregnant." I smirked, leaning a ain't the bedroom door frame.

He looked down at the object, a positive pregnancy test.

He looked between me and the plastic in his hands a few times, the smile growing on his face at each pass over.

"Hey, Thomas, I love you."

"I'll go call my mother?" He whispered.

"Hey wait no!"

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