Jefferson x Child!Reader

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Reader is Madison's kid and he is busy, so Jefferson is put in charge.

Also small child is around like 5, maybe 6, Phili Boi is about 7

"You want me to watch the Tiny Child for the rest of week?!" Jefferson whisper yelled to madison.

Madison just pinched the bridge of his nose, "Yes, Thomas. That is exactly what I want you to do. And her name is Y/n."

"I don't care what her name is! She is a child and I don't know how to care for a child! I've never had a child! The only child I know is Alexander and his son!" Thomas ranted to his friend. Madison just sighed and picked up his small daughter from the chair she had been sleeping on. It was late, well passed her bedtime, and would soon be fast asleep in Thomas' arms.

"Just look after her for like three days, maybe less, please. Just make sure she's fed daily and gets sleep, maybe let her play with you for awhile. Other than that you won't have much to do," Madison was already out the door before he could listen to Thomas' cries of protest. "Thank you!"

Thomas just looked down at Y/n, her face had no care, and light snores came out of her mouth. She looked so peaceful. He was disgusted. He was a well known Lawyer! Madison was his partner! He would not be Madisons Babysitter.

But then her eyes opened. Bight/dark e/c eyes looking up at him and tiny hands reaching out to touch his hair. Her hands were so tiny and as she reached a hand into his curls, a soft sound came from her lips. An almost laugh, the tiny kind that made Thomas change all his previous thoughts on the tiny human in his arms.

"Tom Tom?" Y/n mumbled while still being half asleep. Thomas brightly smiles, happy that the child already knew who he was. So, he nodded, making his curly hair bounce a bit. This practically put the child into a trance. She kept watching the dark curls, every so often reaching out to play with it.

Y/n hadn't even noticed Thomas walking until they had reached a pale purple room. In the middle, against the wall, was the bed. While he was still walking, the girl tried to escape his grip and run off to the bed. Thomas just laughed and adjusted his arms so he could place her on the
floor. Her tiny legs stumbled a bit after he set her down, but she was soon running off to the bed. Without even thinking about it, Y/n jumped up onto the bed and snuggled herself into the large duvet. When Thomas was finally at the bed he could barely even see the kid. She had wrapped herself into the blankets and pillows to the point where only her nose and
h/s hair could be seen without moving anything around. She was already in a deep sleep when he said his goodnights. He let his hand run through her soft hair before turning off the light and gently closing the door.

"Miss Madison, time to wake up, dear. Mr. Thomas has requested you in the dining room," Sally- Jefferson's maid and secretary- gently shook Y/n's shoulders while softly calling to her. It only took a few seconds of being awake for the small girl to jump up out of bed. Sally laughed at how energetic the child could be and decided then it would be a better idea not to put her in the clothes Madison had left for her until breakfast had been eaten.

With how much Y/n ran and got off track, the three minute walk from
her room to the dining room turned into ten, and soon Sally was ready to just carry her. But right before she could do so, they had arrived and Y/n
was quickly taking her seat across from Thomas. Food was brought out,
just some pancakes, eggs, and fruit. Both Thomas and Sally became glad
Y/n was still in the pjs Madison had dropped her off in. Maple syrup, bits of egg and apple, even some of her chocolate milk, were just some of the
things that covered her night top. Thomas was quick to tell Sally to put on one of her nice dresses as soon as she was done playing with her food.

She promptly did so.

"I like your dress, it looks quite pretty on you," Hamilton's secretary

and soon to be wife, Eliza, told Y/n after Jefferson dropped her off at the
front desk, taking no time to tell Eliza what to do with her before walking to a meeting. The small girl looked down at the f/c dress and smiles, giving her thanks to Eliza before going off to play with her son, Philip. He had taken her stuffed animal earlier and should have been ready to pay for it.

Sadly for him, he was not ready for the small thwack that came to the back of his head. Y/n joyous laughter put a smile on the boys face and he couldn't stay upset.

Playtime was soon interrupted when Sally brought the two children lunch. Just some simple Mac n' Cheese, but they ate it like they hadn't seen food in months. Just as soon as food had been served, it was eaten, and then too soon after that, Jefferson had come to collect Y/n. She was sad to say goodbye to Eliza and Philip, but Thomas promised her that they would be coming over later. He said Alex had to come over to discuss something called 'Politics.' Neither child understood what that really meant, but they didn't argue.

"Tiny Children! Come on, dinner is being served." When the now five children argued against dinner, Sally told them they would have time to play later and they needed food. Argument still followed, and Sall drew to drastic measures and picked up the youngest hamilton and carried him away, soon followed by the next child, and then the rest of the children got the gist of it and followed the lady to the dining room.

While the adults ate their fancy looking food, the children were given some chicken tenders and veggies. To the delight of the tiny ones they did
get to eat some cake. They then all gave their thanks and went back to the pale purple room to play.

By the time the Hamiltons had left, the room was a total mess, almost
like a hurricane had come in and destroyed it. But laying on the bed was Y/n, on top of the covers but still fast asleep. Small sounds escaped her lips every so often. Thomas just laid a blanket over top her and left the room.

The next day went by quite similar to the day prior. The only difference was instead of playing with Philip before dinner, it was Thomas who Y/n was playing with. She loved it. All of it. Every last second of it. It was a simple game, but to Thomas it might as well been Rocket science. To Y/n, it was a game she had played with her Father hundreds of times, but playing it with a new person was very exciting for her. But soon she was tired out, and Thomas tucked her into bed.

The only thing that was different that night was the storm. Around 1am was when it rolled on into town, it's bright lightning and booming thunder scaring little Y/n. It only took three thunderous bangs for the tiny girl to go running to Thomas' room. He was hesitant to let the girl into his room, letting her into his bed was another problem. The two first settled with her sleeping at the end of the bed, one of her blankets from home wrapped around her upper body. But after more bangs shaking the house causing her to shake even more, Thomas pulled her to the top of the bed and under the covers with him.

After being directed to Thomas room, Madison walked down the hallways that winded through Thomas's home. When he reached his friends room, he was pleasantly surprised to find his daughter cuddled into his chest. Y/n had her small arms wrapped around Thomas' left arm, while his right was slung over her waist, pulling her into his broad chest. Both were peacefully sleeping.

Madison then decided that making the two breakfast, and then asking his wonderful boyfriend Thomas to marry him, would be a great idea.

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