Laurens x Reader

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I've come to realize I've never made a happy Laurens one so... here... take it... but don't get used to this streak of happy endings okay

"Hey John wanna see my new puppy?" I was beaming at him, already holding the fluffy dog up to my camera. 

"Y/n you already have like 12 dogs!" John laughed, the sound just making me smile more. 

I sat the pup down on my lap, "I have 3 but oookay."

"My point still stands," he pointed at his own camera, making me want to jump through the computer and just hold his hand. But, alas, the technology to teleport me to his house, some 2000 miles away, still hadn't been invented yet. 

"Ayo, Earth to Y/n?" I suddenly realize I had gone quiet, just starring off into space. 

I looked back at him, still smiling, "sorry, John, I'm on the moon now."

"But if you're on the moon, how will I ever show you my new turtle..."

"How come I'm not allowed to get a new dog, when I have three, but you can have eight turtles?"


I waited for Alex to pick me up at the airport. To say I was terrified would be a huge understatement. In just a few hours I could be holding John, sleeping next to him, holding his hand, all the things that normal couples were able to do. 

 "Is that a wild Y/n?" I hear a voice behind me, and when I turned I was greeted with a smiling Alex.

"Is that a wild Alexander?" I walked to short distance between us and gave him a hug. "I've missed you, man."

"Oh you say that every time and we both know its not true."


No one had told John I would be coming. I tired to be as quiet as I could when walking around the house, until I got to the living room. 

Alex stood in front of me, I could tell by his voice he was smiling, "heeeeeey John..."

John looked up, slightly annoyed to be brought away from his phone game, "what do you want?"

"Guess who's here."


I jumped out from behind him, a huge grin across my face, "it's me!" 

I saw his face lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw me. He jumped out of his chair and ran over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him. I rested my head against his chest, my arms going around his shoulders. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked after we had been hugging for a few moments. 

"Business trip about an hour away. Couldn't pass up the chance to come see you." 


I quietly yawned, trying not to be heard. My amazingly well crafted quiet plan failed instantly, as John heard me. My head was laying on his shoulder, his arm around me. It wasn't even that late at night, I was just comfortable and the movie planning wasn't keeping my interest that well. 

He kissed the top of my head, something he had been doing since I arrived in his arms, "wanna head to bed?" 

I nodded lightly, yawning again. 


We said our goodnights and headed off to bed. I wouldn't admit it to him, but I felt weird sleeping in his bed. Not a bad weird, just a new kinda thing. This is the closest I had ever been to him, and to be able to lay next to him as I drifted off was weird. 

"Don't look, okay?" I glanced back at him, who was already laying in his pjs. 

"Okay, okay, I won't." I giggled as he covered his eyes with his hand. 

I quickly changed into my own night clothes before sitting down on the side of the bed. 

"Oh, so you won't come cuddle me now?" I just laughed more as John gave me a little pouty face. I stood up and then got under the covers. They were soft. 

He scooted over to my side of the bed, wrapping his arm around my waist as he did so. 

I turned around and cuddled right into him. I knew I would have to leave this bed, and leave him for my home at some point, but for right now I knew I would be happy and safe in his arms. 

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