Chapter 15 - INTERLUDE

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Khushi sat on the recliner in poolside thinking. She had come back to Shantivan sometime back leaving kids with her parents for the stay over. She thought about her life.

After sharing her feelings and emotions with her father, she was a bit relieved. But still her fears hadn't alleviated. She is still scared thinking about the future. But she is not ready to give up. She is going to fight and give her best.

She will tell everything to Arnav and then his reaction will determine the course of their life further. If he understands her point of view and stands by her, then she will give him a chance. Otherwise she will leave him and try to make an arrangement with Arnav which is best for him, her and their kids.

But before revealing the truth to Arnav, she wants Anjali, Sheetal and Arav out of this house. She didn't want them creating any drama and manipulating Arnav with their own lies. She wanted him to know everything without being tainted by their lies.

So for now, her prime most necessity is to throw them out of this house. And somewhere Arnav is doing what she wants by asking Anjali, Sheetal and Arav to leave. Once they go, she will reveal the entire truth and make a decision.

She has a lot to share with him. The last five and a half years were not easy for her. From the time, Sheetal and Arav entered their lives, her miseries started. A small discordance between her and Arnav had turned into a full fledged dispute of emotions, feelings, love, affection, selfishness and obsession.

A common couple fight turned into fight of right and wrong. A fight started between two people has turned the lives of so many people. Their fight started as a small misunderstanding like in every situation but when ego involved, it took an complete another route. Their fight could have solved if their egos didn't came in between.

She won't say that she was innocent. No. She did mistakes. She shouldn't have done that DNA test. She should have tried to talk to Arnav.  She should have shared her feelings with him. If misunderstanding happened also, She should have put more efforts in mending their relationship. But she let her ego rule her. When Arnav acted insensitive and ignored her. She didn't tried to make things fine between them.

Instead she also acted stubborn and ignored him. But then when she realized that their ego is ruining their lives, she tried to talk to him. But then they were stuck between people. People who took advantage of their miscommunication.

She wanted to inform him about her pregnancy. It was never her intention to hurt him. When she first found about her pregnancy, the first person she wanted to inform was Arnav. Like every woman, she also wanted to share the most important news of her life with her husband. But his ignorance hurt her. She tried to talk to him ignoring his behaviour but he avoided her in his ego. She was hurt.

But she still tried. After sometime, she felt that even he wanted to talk but the so called family always came in between. She wondered if they were doing it on purpose. Maybe. She doesn't know. And she won't be surprised also if they were purposefully using their dispute for their benefits.

She won't lie, at that time, she was truly hurt. Specially by the way, the whole family ignored her and behaved as if she didn't existed. Seeing them not considering her feelings and emotions while comparing Arav and Arnav, she even felt angry. Many times, she had even felt like shouting on them.

But thinking of it now, she wondered what would have happened, if she voiced her hurt and anger. Would they have bothered. Would it have affected them. She doubts it.

But what hurt her most at that time was Arnav leaving her alone and going with Sheetal. That too at a time when she needed him the most. When she needed his presence and support. It had hurt her beyond limits. She felt as if he didn't care about her emotions and feelings. It was that hurt that didn't allowed her to pick up his call when he called her.

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