Chapter 12

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Same day, night.

Arnav stood in the poolside looking at the stars. They had come back from the party one hour back. After freshening up, Khushi and kids slept immediately. But sleep was far away from his eyes.

Standing in the poolside, he thought about the things that happened in his life in the past few weeks since he came back. After he came back, lot of things happened. He came to know that he had three kids, Khushi's business, his company's falling shares, his family's strange behaviour, his family's aloofness from Khushi and kids, Akash and Payal's problem, Sheetal and Arav's unwanted importance in his family, his Di's marital status with Shyam and now NK's disappearance. Everything is a mess. But he knew he had to sort out everything and that too soon.

First of all he had to find out about NK. His annoying brother, who can be the most reliable and trustworthy person in such serious situations. Maybe NK could help him in sorting out this mess. So finally it's time to talk with his younger brother.

Taking his phone, Arnav dialled NK's number. The phone continued ringing and finally stopped. Arnav frowned at the phone. Then only he realised his blunder. It was close to midnight in India, so it must be early morning in Australia. India and Australia have a five and half hours time difference. Realising his mistake, Arnav decided to call him later.

Deciding to take some rest, Arnav was about to go inside his room, when his phone rang with the ID showing an Australian number. Realising that it was his younger cousin brother's number, Arnav immediately swiped on the answer keys and kept the phone close to his ears.

Phone Conversation

Arnav: Hello

Other Person:...

Arnav: Hello. Hello. Is anyone there? NK?

NK (Low voice): Nannav

Arnav (sighing): NK. NK, it's you, right.

NK (sleepy voice): Hmm

Arnav: I am sorry. I didn't realise the time difference.

NK (uninterested voice): It's OK. Tell me. What's the matter. Why did you call? There, everyone is OK, right.
(Concerned voice) Khushiji and Babies. They are fine, right.

Arnav frowned at his weird behaviour.
Arnav: Yeah. Khushi and Babies are fine in fact amazing. You tell me how are you?

NK: Fine.

Arnav frowned hearing his monosyllable answers. What happened to him? What happened to his hyperactive, crazy brother?

Arnav: NK, Are you sleepy? Should I call you later.

NK: No. I am fine. Tell me, what's the matter.

Arnav: NK, you're really OK, right? Is there any problem? Tell me. I will help you.

NK: No. Everything is fine. You don't need to worry. I'm...

Cut off by someone in the background.
Other Person(A girl's voice): Baby, what are you doing? It's only 5 o'clock in the morning. Why are you up so early. Who are you talking to? Ask that person to call later. You come and sleep.

(Arnav frowned hearing the voice. Who's it? What's that girl doing with NK? Though his brother is jolly, happy go lucky person, he would never take advantage of any girl. Then who is that girl? And why does her voice sound so familiar. Does he know her? He couldn't exactly remember the person.)

NK (To the other person): Baby, you go back to sleep. I will just finish this call and come.

Other Person: Hm OK.

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