7 Years Later

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Hope you had a great Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa or any Holiday you may celebrate. This chapter will mainly focus on a before and after scenarios. As in, it'll show the kids dealing with the separation and then it'll show them dealing with the separation 7 years later. So there will be mostly description and hardly any dialogue in this chapter. Without anything else to say, here we go!!!

Day after day, everyone in the mansion couldn't seem to get any better from the situation. The girls didn't seem to want to have fun. If the boys aren't with them to create a chaotic environment with their shenanigans, what was the point?

Webby, Violet, and Lena were sitting in Webbys room, doing absolutely nothing. Violet wasn't in the mood to read, but her beak was still in a book. She hoped that a good story would distract her from the missing boys but it was no use. She missed her friends to the point where the sight of a book would bring back memories of the triplets. Adventure stories brought back the thought of Dewey. Whenever a trickster shows up her mind goes to Louie. And just the sight of any book would remind her of the red hat triplet. Everytime she came for a visit, Huey would try to meet up with her just to talk about the latest book. Sure she found it strange that Huey would put all his trust into a single book written by a group of campers, but he was the only one that held as much knowledge as her.

Lena was laying on Webbys bed. Her back pressed against the mattress and her head hanging off the side making everything look upside down to her. In her hands she played with her amulet. She didn't know how to feel, or what to do. She was closest to Webby but with the boys gone, the mansion didn't feel the same. Webby was down, Violet was more silent than ever, Scrooge even refuses to leave his office. It felt, dull, lonely, and very off. Like there was a missing puzzle piece in the family that can never be replaced. She never had a family before. Magica never treated her the way a true aunt would, so when Scrooge offered a spot in his family she was overjoyed. She would finally have love, trust and joy. While she ended up living with Violet and her family, she was still proud to have a home. It was everything she ever wanted, and now a chunk of it is gone.

Webby wasn't any better. She was a wreck. She laid on the hard floor, looking up at the ceiling, moaning in sadness and pain. She didn't know how she would move on without the boys. Does this mean no more adventures? No more excitement, monsters, myth or treasure hunting? Scrooge assured the girls that he wasn't giving up on treasure hunting but it just wasn't gonna be the same without them. All her life she was alone, treating the mansion like it was new territory to explore and fought monsters in her imagination. When the boys came, they gave her everything she wanted. Adventure, excitement, and friendship. Now with them gone, it was like a piece of her heart was torn off with no hope of putting it back. Deweys words echoed in her head ever since he left.

And if anything does happen to the family, I can promise you Webby that no matter where I'm at or what happens, we'll always find a way back together again.

Oh how she hoped these words were true.

In his office, Scrooge wasn't doing any better. He slumped in his chair, absolutely miserable. He would've ordered himself dozens of pizzas to eat his pain away, but ever since Beakly spent an entire month cleaning and chasing possums and pigeons out of the mansion, she limited his eating portions. Scrooge never thought he would have to feel this again. The emptiness, the heartbreak, the guilt of not being able to protect his loved ones, it was awful.

But at the same time he was relieved. He didn't need to worry about the new threat making its way to the boys. Because it seemed to spread faster than he thought. On his desk he had information on his family, friends and allies.

Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck - Missing

Gandra Dee - Missing

Gosalyn Mallard - Missing

Don't Back Down AgainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon