What to Do

201 11 10

Haha! The latest episode was great! Looks like Launchpad finally met his match. XD. Yeah SteelBeaks isn't what I expected, but I still love him. He wasn't always the smart one in the original but boy was he aggressive. He tried to shoot down Gosalyn in one episode and as long as they keep his aggressive side, I'm good. I remember SteelBeaks being ruthless, merciless, a man that isn't afraid to shoot a little girl to reach his goal! But I was extremely young when I saw Darkwing Duck. Also I wanted to upload yesterday for the triplets birthday but I got sick, not gonna die don't worry, so happy late Birthday!

Scrooge has done what he said he would do. He hopped on the plane with Della, Donald, Beakley and Launchpad, he tried to call up Fenton and Gandra to take care of the boys but they never answered. So he called up his second choice, Drake happily accepted and went to take care of the boys with Gosalyn and Honker.

In the plane, they picked up Lizzette and Abigor like he said he would. They didn't put up a fight, it was as if they had accepted fate and hopped on the plane.

For the whole ride to Ithaquack, Beakly had a deadly glare glued on Abigor. The boy never felt so small in his life. In fact, he could never remember a day when he got in this much trouble.

Lizzette shared his uncomfortableness. She had to deal with the death glares from every angle. To her left, Beakly looked like she was ready to pounce on her and lock her up in a secret jail. To her right, Donald looked like he wanted to sell their organs to the black market.

"If we die, it's your fault," Lizzette whispered to Abigor.

At the island, the cousins walked to the temple without a fight, they just hung their heads low in shame and fear. They were not ready to face their God like ancestors.

"Selene?" Della knocked on the doors. After a long moment of silence, everyone looked confused. Usually they were always home.

"Welp! She's not here, maybe next time!" Lizzette was quick to run but Scrooge hooked his cane into her dress and pulled her back.

"Not so fast lassie." He gave the door a knock as well. This time, the doors opened to reveal an excited goddess.

"Sorry for the wait, father put up a bit of a fight when he saw it was you guys," Selene opened the door for them to enter.

"Where is Zeus anyways?" Della asked looking around.

"Father decided to take a walk to avoid any confrontation," Selene answered. In a split second, a flash of white and gold tackled the Mcduck family into a bone crushing hug.

"Haza! The ever so heroic Mcduck family has returned!" Storkcules hugged them so tight they could barely breathe, "I never thought in a million moons would I ever see your faces!"

"He's right," Selene joined in the hug, though not as tight as her brother, "You should have seen how devastated my brother was when he learned you and Donald left Duckburge. Which brings up the question, why did you return?"

"It's a…. long story," Della managed out. It felt like she was being crushed by rocks.

"Stork… cules…. air…. breath…." Donald gasped. He finally let the family go leaving them on the ground, barely alive.

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