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Aahhhhhhh!!!! I'm so sorry guys. I published the last chapter by accident. I'm still getting use ti Wattpad. The chapter was gonna start differently but since I didn't get the chance to write it, I'm gonna write it here. Prepare for a really long chapter.

And by the way, I'm writing this story with the time set after everything happens. As in season 3 has already happened in this timeline. So I can only guess what'll happen and hope I'm right.

"Webby?!" Lena cried out as she tried to stay above the surface. The salty water kept dragging her down but she fought back with all her might. She was all alone in the middle of the ocean, with nothing, not even stars or the moon to light up the dark, "Louie?! Violet!!" 

"Lena!" She heard Webbys voice echo to her from far away. Her voice wasn't the only thing that was heard. A sound of something rather large splashing in the water nearly drowned out Webbys voice. 

"Help!!!" She heard Violets cries echoing.

"Everyone! Stay in one spot!!" She heard Scrooge tell everyone.

"Boys?! Where are you!?!" Dellas voice sounded like she was in great distress.

Sounds of screams and voices calling out for help filled the atmosphere faster than Lena can process. She didn't know what to do or what was going on. She turned around in all directions hoping to see where the screams were coming from. But there was nothing but darkness and waves blurring her vision.

To make matters worse, the screams seem to be coming from everywhere. Echoing closer and closer to her. Every second, every moment, the screams for help got louder and faster, making her headache and making herself feel dizzy. She tried to cover up her ears in an attempt to shut out the screams but it was no use. Soon enough, she joined in the screams of her friends and family.

"Help me!!!" Lena cried out, "Anyone! Someone!! Help!!!"

Her cries for help echoed across the dark sky just like everyone else's. The creams filled the air so loudly that it distracted Lena from what was coming. Again, a green string of light kept up on her leg and wrapped itself. In a second, it pulled the young duck underneath the water. The moment she felt this, she kicked up and waved her hands so she can make it back to the surface. For a split second, she was able to reach for air and call out once more.

"Webby!? Louie?! Violet!?! Where are you!?!"

She couldn't call out to her friends anymore. One big wave came crashing down and took her under. Lena kicked and swung her arms around, trying to swim back up but the glowing string of light prevented such actions. She tried and tried to pull her leg away from it but it seemed to be getting tighter with every movement she made. She snapped her gaze above her to see just how deep she was only to nearly lose her breath at the sight. 6 pairs of glowing green eyes, staring straight at her from above the ocean. All belonging to those same copies of her friends. They formed a circle and almost appeared as if they were floating above the waves. They all had forced smiles against their faces as if they enjoyed seeing her suffocate. In the middle of the circle, staring straight at her like her friends, was another pair of green eyes. The same ones that she saw in her first dream.

If she wasn't underwater at the time, Lena would have screamed as she was dragged deeper into the ocean.

Back in reality

"No!!!" Lena screamed as she shot out of her bed. She frantically looked side to side, as she took in deep breaths as if she just came back from drowning. She felt drops of sweat drip from her head that nearly soaked her entire forehead. She placed her hand over her racing heart, trying to calm herself down.

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