Elevator Incident

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Well well well! Long wait huh? Hope this chapter is action packed enough for you guys! I'm feeling better for anyone wondering. Life is just harsh, you know? Enjoy!!!

Soft music filled Lizzettes ears. Sweet, soft harmony of a motherly voice. She walked around a dark room with nothing but the sound inside with her. She gently swayed as she walked, almost dancing to the rhythm. She began to hum to the music as well, completely at bliss and feeling safe.

Without opening her eye's, Lizzette felt a warm hand grab hers and began to pull her away. She was able to hear a faint voice calling her name, but she didn't bother paying attention to it. She continued to walk farther away from it, enjoying every second. Soon enough it felt like she was in a trance. Happily walking on water, every step she took caused a ripple of baby blue.

"Lizzette!" She heard someone call out to her again but didn't pay much attention. She continued to walk deeper into the abyss, letting whoever was holding her take her away.

"Keep your eyes shut my little arrow, mommy has a surprise for you." She heard her mom say. Lizzette gave a happy smile and giggled like a kid. She felt her mom slowly let go of her hand, leaving her in the darkness.

"You know I love you, right?" She heard her say. Her voice was sweet as honey and smooth like silk. Lizzette nodded her head with a smile.

"Lizzette, wake up!" She heard the voice call to her again.

"No one loves you more than me. You know that?" Her mother said. Lizzette simply nodded yes, "So there's no need to listen to anyone but me. My love for you is the only one you need."

"Lizzette your burning!" The voice cried out, this time it was louder.

"Boyd?" Lizzette opened her eyes and looked behind her when she recognized his voice.

"I said there's no need to listen to anyone else!" Her mother said harshly as she spun her back around, only, no one was there. She looked around the black void, trying to find her mom. The calm atmosphere was starting to heat up, she could barely breath but her mind wasn't on that now.

"Mother?" Lizzettes voice echoed, the soft humming had echoed leaving Lizzette in eerie silence. Soon she heard two voices, arguing and yelling. One male, one female, along with loud crashing sounds. The sound of plates shattering was enough to make Lizzette jump, almost giving her a heart attack. Her heart was racing as the yelling got louder and louder, as if it was coming towards her. She looked all around her but saw nothing but pitch darkness. The sounds of doors slamming echoed across the void, making her shut her ears at how loud it was.

"Mother? Father?" Lizzette recognized the voices. If only she knew what they were saying. The sound of yelling and fighting only got worse and less understandable. She fell to her knees, her hands still covering her ears. She couldn't take it anymore, she wanted the screaming to stop, she'll do anything to make it stop. Tears began to escape, dripping on the ground, "What's going on?"

Lizzettte was so confused on why her parents were fighting. The crashing sounds, the slamming, the yelling, it all got so loud that it was practically right next to her. The heat began to rise, nearly suffocating the young girl.

"Lizzette!" Boyd finally managed to drag the girl out of bed. He grabbed her shoulders and sat her up. Lizzette finally opened her eye's, gasping for air from what she just dreamt. Drips of sweat were streaming down her face as she tried to breath.

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