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Sorry for being late. I've been feeling unmotivated for a week. Don't want to say I'm bored of this fandom and I'm not really sick. I'm starting to think I'm homesick. As most of you know I'm from California but because of the pandemic, I'm in Nevada right now. For the past week I've been waking up thinking I'm in California and everytime I get hungry I want to eat something that can only be found in California. Not to mention I'm so used to traveling around California a lot. Visiting San Francisco, DisneyLand, countrysides, festivals, fairs, Hollywood, and dang nabbit I want to see the antique stores again. But hey, nothing lasts forever here on earth. I'll be back in California someday….. Also I lost track of time and thought it was Friday when really it was Saturday.

2 years ago,

In Duckburg High, a 15 year old Webby was anxiously sitting in her seat. Watching the football tryouts at the football field. She was so excited to try out that she was literally jumping out of her seat.

"Webbigail Vander…" the coat didn't even have time to say her full name. The pink dressed girl was already in the field ready to run and tackle. The coach looked down at her confused, "Young lady, are you sure you're up to this sport? It can get rather…. rough out there."

"Ha! I'll show these boys the true meaning of rough after today's tryouts. Just put me in!" Webby stretched out her arms and legs. The coach shook his head and clicked his tongue, not approving of her actions. From a good distance, a white and black duck eyed Webby from head to toe. He was already in his football uniform and his blue eyes were hidden behind his helmet.

"Who's the girl?" He asked a teammate.

"Oh, that girl. Beats me," the teammate shrugged, "I think her name is Webby? Why do you need to know Abigor?"

"Just asking," Abigor shrugged as well and watched as Webby tried out. She was rather energetic for a girl in a crowd of boys. He had no idea how she even got in the tryouts in the first place. The team was full of boys and boys only. Did she sneak in? Either way, he was impressed by her strength.

"Sheesh, she's rather strong for a girl," A football player said from behind Abigor.

"She may be strong, but she's still kinda tiny for the team," another player commented.

At a throwing section, Webby showed to have a good arm, beating over half the guys that were trying out as well. Abigor gave a small smile at the sight and enjoyed watching her beat out so many guys.

"Impressive," He muttered as he kept watching.

"She won't make the team," another football player said. Abigor looked over his shoulder, his smile 100% gone and replaced with a frown.

"What makes you say that?" Abigor said a little demanding like always. He was known in his team to be rather tough and short tempered.

"Look at her," The football player gestured at Webby. They were at the section of tackling, where Webby effortlessly tackled every dummy, even snapping some in half.

"She seems like a gem to have in our team," Abigor shrugged.

"We can't accept a girl into our team, Abigor," the football player laughed out loud and gave Abigors helmet a playful knock, "It wouldn't look good when we go to away games."

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