Merry Christmas Everyone!

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Here we go.

Aight guys, sorry this is late but Christmas is an emotional time. Thanks for all the support you've all been giving me, and thanks for accepting the fact that my pal is gonna pitch in. They basically proof read and such, since my efforts are running t h i n. This isn't brilliant and it's not long, but ey I'm rusty.


Twas the night before Christmas, Izuku was crying, Katsuki was screaming- but there was one pure soul, who simply sat and watched. Sometimes.

"IDIOT!! Don't open the damn presents, put it back!"

Katsuki raged, slapping a blonde over the head. Denki had dropped the present to hold his head, whimpering as he did so. Katsuki leant down to put the present back in it's usual place underneath the very awkwardly decorated Christmas tree.

"What did he do?"

Y/N had walked over to the two boys, having walked in from the kitchen, previously assisting in cleaning.

Katsuki had turned his attention back towards the quirkless student, letting out a gruff 'humphing' sound, glancing quickly down at the terrified blonde before he looked back at his frenemy.

"The dunce was trying to open presents,"

Katsuki has answered, stepping away from the blonde, who immediately took the chance to scurry away.

"Should have expected that,"

Y/N shook their head playfully, before walking into the social space within the building, taking a seat on one of the few couches. Katsuki had joined them, sat across from them on the other couch.

"So who's excited for Christmas?"

Y/N had asked out for anyone around, in return receiving a lot of 'me' and such. Y/N had taken a moment to get comfortable, settling on ((siting position of your own preference. Personally, floating)).

"Christmas is just one of the many traditions we have adapted to, primarily to distract us from the inevitable future that we all dread,"

Said a certain edgy bird head boy. Y/N had glanced over the couch to get a look at said physically mutated student, just looking at them in concern.

"Tokoyami, I don't think that's why we celebrate Christmas,"

Y/N had responded, followed by a very uncertain laugh. The mutated bird then walked off as if nothing had happened.

Y/N turned their head back around, looking down at their lap for a moment, having not really having anything they'd feel like doing at the moment.

"Y/N-san!! Is everything okay?"

Y/N turned their head to the source of the voice, which turned out to be their broccoli haired friend, Izuku. They smiled up at their classmate, nodding.

"Yeah! Sorry, I just zoned out a sec,"

Y/N reassured their friend, who always seemed to worry.

"You excited for Christmas?"

Y/N asked as they watched their freckled friend sit down beside him, smiling and nodding.

"Yeah! It's going to be my first Christmas away from home, it's kinda weird,"

Izuku lifted one of his hands to rest it on the back of their neck, his smile turning slightly awkward.

"Same, it was one of the things I really enjoyed at home though. It's gonna be really weird without my parents,"

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