Are you alright?

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No one's POV

The students rushed out the room, along with the ones that were assisting in controlling Bakugo.

Everyone outside the room cleared a path for the raging teenager to pass through, some flinching when he walked past, others giving him dirty looks for his behaviour. It was disgusting, everyone thought so.

A few minutes pass until a man thin to the bone arrived, wearing a yellow suit. He looked into the room for a split second before telling Aizawa's students to follow him, as he was going to be their substitute for the rest of the day. Since Aizawa was very clearly busy with something else, and they didn't want to crowd around y/n when they woke up.

Everyone left the scene of the classroom, including Deku, which was harder than you would think. He really didn't want to leave his friend alone like this, he tried to convince them that he could help, but they denied his request and sent him out with the rest of the classroom and Toshinori.

Deku left y/n leaned against all the blazers of the student hat left them behind, which was enough support. Those students were told they could collect their blazers when y/n comes around.

Small time skip to Aizawa's POV

It's been around ten minutes of me sitting with y/n, the poor kid. They've been knocked out cold for what I can assume almost an hour now, and all I can do is wait.

I've been resting them in my lap, so I'm able to watch them carefully and so I know they're safe. And, it's much more comfortable than a floor or wall.

As I've been sitting in silence, watching my unconscious student, I notice their expression slowly changing as they start making small noises. Seconds later they're frowning and groaning.

"Ugh, my head,"

Is all they're able to mumble as they gain their conscience. I'm filled with relief as a watch y/n slowly open their eyes, they blink a few times, trying to get used to the light of the room, before their eyes focus on me. They squinted their eyes slightly to make what I can only assume a confused face.


They continue to mumble and grunt as they try sitting up, I support them to make it easier for them. Before anything else can be said, and while they're distracted by looking around the room, I take the chance to explain everything we know happened.

"You were found passed out in a corridor, you had very severe burns around your hands and neck. Are you alright?"

I watch as their expression turned from confusion, to shock, and then back to confusion. They must not remember what happened, I wouldn't blame them with the size of the bump on their head. They simply nodded to answer my question, so I take it as an invite to ask them a second.

Y/n sat up, slouching over slightly as one of their hands held up their head, they must have a headache, or even a concussion.

"The girls left some water for you, here,"

I reach over to grab one of the bottles saved for y/n to drink, their hand reached for it, but I saw how horribly their hand was shaking so I hesitated, pulling the bottle out of their reach. This made them look up at me, slightly confused, but mostly irritated. Their trembling hand remained in the air.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

I ask again as I grab their hand with my free one and inspect it. It's heavily bruised and there are light scars from where the boils formed previously.

Y/n nodded, but I wasn't buying it.

"Stand up."

I demand as I let go of her, I then stood up, took a couple steps back, then watched. I know it's cruel, but I need to prove my point.

Aizawa x Quirkless! Student! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now