First day

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Alright. So, here I am. In front of the gates of U.A. high. Come on, you got this. You got past the entrance exams, this should be the easy part. Just, walk through the gates.

Soooo, you may be wondering who I am right now, huh? Simple! I'm F/N L/N. and I'm completely quirkless! Nothing special about me. Just some kid that managed to get through probably the hardest entrance exams ever without a quirk, never done before but meh! Who cares? Anywho, back to the story. My life story, I mean-

I mentally continue to give myself a pep talk as I try to convince myself that this entire thing wasn't a mistake and that I shouldn't go home crying to my mom while eating chocolate and binge my favourite anime. Even though I want to so bad and it sounds like the best idea on earth right now.

And after a few minutes of manually breathing so, I don't pass out and die from lack of oxygen, I finally gain enough confidence to just relax; walk through the gates and tell everyone just why the hell I'm here and what I'm here for. Even though I'm pretty sure I did see a pretty scary guy in the entrance exams with a quirk that could fry me any day...

I finally suck it up and take my first step into the school gates and at that very second, the school bell rang. Signalling that school has started, classes have begun, and I'm late. On my first. Damn. Day.

So, as quick as humanly possible for me, I screech and began my way down the unnecessarily long pathway towards the main building.

-20 second time skip because you supersonic-ed that shit-

I was panting and gasping for air as I finally made it to my classroom, I knew because I ran around the entire floor and ran into multiple wrong classrooms.

After a few seconds of catching my breath, I finally turn toward my classroom door and pause.

This is it, I'm finally going to meet my classmates and teacher, all which possess quirks...lord help me.

I mentally sigh as I began taking a step towards my classroom door. And as I was just about to open it, a man wearing mostly black, had messy black hair, stubble growing on his chin and eyes that looked like he hadn't slept for about two years had swung open the door for me.

I gulp slightly at the sight, damn that's terrifying. I was about to apologise to who I assumed was my teacher for being late, but he spoke before I could.

"You're late."

HoT DAMN HIS VOICE- wait a minute.

"Stand up at the front of the classroom and introduce yourself,"

He instructed as he lazily stepped aside to let me past. I did as told and hesitantly walked past him and at the corner of my eye, I could already see some people with bizarre appearances. The dude with a bird head caught my attention for the most part. I mean, how would he kiss someone?

As I've made my way to the front of my class, I also see smiling, welcoming faces. Another kid with green hair caught my attention, wasn't he the kid that nearly plummeted to his death? The guy looks friendly anyway and he looks almost, proud of me?

I push the thought to the side at the minute, it's not important right now, and I can meet him later. I'm finally stood facing everyone, so I began my introduction.

"Hello, everyone! My name is F/N L/N. I am Y/A years old and I do not possess a quirk. Any questions?"

A guy with glasses raised his hand, rather violently. I nod at him, signalling that I'm listening.

"If I may, how were you able to make it through the entrance exams without a quirk and what were your techniques?"

He asked. I could already tell he was someone that was stern and took school rules extremely seriously. His tone gave it all away. I take a moment to recall the entrance exams and conclude an answer.

"I think most my points were put towards supporting others. I couldn't do much against those robots so I instead tried to help people who were struggling. I did take one or two down but only someone pointers. I just pulled off the metal board then cut all the wires with some glass shards I found. The other I'm certain I just clobbered it to death with rocks,"

I answer his question cheerfully and proud, the events honestly made me laugh. I could have been killed by robots right there and then but instead I just threw stones at them, I'm so brave.

Another hand flew up, this time it was the boy with green hair, still smiling.

"It's amazing how you got in without a quirk Y/N! Are your parents quirkless too?"

He'd ask in a high pitched voice. He seemed more excited than I was. I had no time to answer before a desk flew across the classroom, followed by an explosion sound. Almost hitting me. I screamed and ducked as I saw it flying towards me, honestly, scared me more than the robots. I was still expecting the impact of the table, so when I didn't feel it I looked up from my squatting position to see that something was wrapped around it, somehow floating in mid-air.

I look behind me and see my teacher, Aizawa with flowing hair and glistening red eyes, he stopped the table from hitting me.

Aizawa x Quirkless! Student! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now