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No one's POV

Y/N ached, burned and winced in pain. Their head being held firmly by their own blistered hands between their knees, trying their hardest to stop their pulsing headache. They winced in pain as their entire body was overwhelmed with all kinds of feelings and emotions, the majority being pane and sorrow. What did this poor little quirkless student ever do to deserve such a lecture? Were they really that little of a threat to those blessed with powers beyond their own strength? No.

Even beneath all those sores, burns and bruises, nothing could break this Y/A Old's spirit. A few hisses and complaints could be heard in forms of mumbles, groans and silent whimpers, but that was it. Not a single tear had fallen from their determined face. Sure, there was pain, but that wasn't enough to stop them from achieving their dreams.

The injured student refused to let some short tempered hot head tell them what to do, so, they began to gather their remaining strength and slowly push themselves off the ground.

They were unable to remain stood up once they attempted to stand independently. But just as they were falling to the ground again, they had managed to catch themself. They let out a painful grunt as all their weight was put into their arms, they were desperate to show that they were strong, but like this, there really just was no chance of them being able to make it to class like this in the first place.

Y/n pushed themselves up one final time, but not being as successful as they would have liked. They were able to pushed themselves up, but their limp weight had pulled them back down, causing them to fall backwards.

They weren't able to move in time before their head connected to the wall yet again, but this time, with their weakened state, it had hurt even more than the previous time their head was collided to the wall by Bakugo.

The impact had made them screamed a sound full of pain.

Aizawa's POV

They're talking their time.

I let l/n go for their toilet break fifteen minutes ago, what's taking them so long? Bakugo had walked back into my class not too long after l/n had left, I didn't even noticing him leaving in the first place. When I asked what he was doing and why he was late, he answered back with 'I'm not late damn it! and I was just at the damn toilets,' so I figured he might of passed y/n on his way back, but when I asked he simply shook his head, but I saw a different look on his face from his usual, agitated expression. He had a smug grin almost plastered to his face when he took his seat.

I sigh and turned away from the board at the front of the class, I then gaze at all my students. Who's the most responsible out of everyone?

Hmm...Class rep.

(Isabelle just rubbed my arm and I feel attacked)

I looked directly at Tenya and he somehow managed to straighten his aback even more than it already was.

"Iida, go find l/n and find out what's taking them so long,"

I instruct as he said nothing for a brief moment. He stands up and bows while saying in a not so quiet voice,

"Yes sensei!"

He then stands up straight and leaves my class. God, These kids will drive me crazy one day.

Iida's POV

Sensei had asked me to look for the new student, Y/N L/N! I can't believe they're skipping their first class here, how disrespectful to our peers! Oh well, I shall offer mentoring them if their grades slip.

As I'm walking around the first floor, wandering where Y/N could be, my ideas were flattened when I heard a blood curdling scream echo through the school halls.

Aizawa x Quirkless! Student! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now