When he just gotten to the last leg, Madge roused and started to scream and cry, kicking about and managed to tip herself to the floor.

Before he went to upright her, his phone rang and he saw his sister's name light up in the dim room.

"Yes?" He answered, holding a finger to his lips to quiet Madge. Fortunately, she did so.

"Tristan, you little sh!t, where's the f*cking remote?" His sister hissed.

"Did you check under the couch?"


"Between the cushions?"

"If I didn't check everywhere, you think I'd be calling right now?" She growled, annoyed.

"Fine, suffer without tv, you little wh*re." Tristan hung up before she could retort and returned his sight to terrified Madge.

Her big eyes were spilling with tears, little mouth quivering, and there was blood on her nails. A gross habit of scratching any surface when she's upset or is in a sniveling mood.

"Love," he said softly, though she violently jumped at his words. "Will you run when I untie you?"

She shook her head fervently.

He untied her.

She ran.

He dragged her back to bury her with the remains of her ex. Alive.

Unnecessary, but she broke his heart when she screamed and spouted uncharacteristically foul words.


His third was a little 'meh.' Just a lonely man who took him off the road to have a little 'fun'. Tristan knew the man wouldn't be recognized, if he was ever found at the bottom of the cliff, what, with his face mashed in and lower area mutilated.


His fourth and fifth are nothing noteworthy. Nor is his sixth or tenth.


But the thirteenth could be his favorite. As his sister joined in.

He was delighted that his little sister enjoyed in shooting the little wh*re who slept with her boyfriend, who was currently buried alive beside his parent's graves.

He won't recall everything that happened. Those little dark parts aren't important at all.


He didn't know what to think as he broke the pitiful knot and stood, staring at the door where Susan left, remembering her spiteful look. He grinned, snorting as he went to wash his hands.

It was a wonder that she didn't kill him when she saw him dragging their parent's bodies back to their bed, their faces peaceful as if they were sleeping.

He might not have been as close to his parents, but Susan was the darling baby of the family, the one they let walk all over them, dismissing her foul moods and words.

But then, no matter the loss, she always gets over anything troubling. It was definitely the reason she didn't mind her brother being a murderer.

He found the hastily dug graves with his parents resting peacefully in the open. Must've seemed a waste to just dirty them.

Or Talon, stupid fake name, probably hurried Susan to just get away before Tristan awoke and dismembered him. British bastard.

Nonetheless, Tristan finds it easy to move on and skip the town.


He didn't like Jeff. This annoying lil sh!t and his randomly pissy moments can burn in a fire.

He liked Toby though, cute Toby and his big eyes, chocolatey brown hair, and his stutter. He immediately wanted a piece of that a$$.

The masked teacher's pet, though, stood in the way of that. The white masked one, not the black masked one, though he didn't really care about either.

He didn't mind EJ, though. The cannibal thing was interesting. Plus he reminded him of the first guy he f*cked.


Great, EJ went and kidnapped the redhead. He forgot her name, but he quite liked her. Even admired her. He could've made her snap and he was certain that she'd be a good partner in crime, could see it in her eyes when she broke up with that sh!tty boyfriend.

But when the baby was born, an idea came up. To just get rid of the annoying b!tch he called Jeff.


F*ck, damn it, Jeff, you had one f*cking job.


In his final moment, two images came up. One was the look in Susan's eyes when she shot the sl*t, so fiery.

The second, his Madge Latilly, the frail, pretty thing he was close to being in love with. Her small smiles, soft brown eyes, fluffy brown hair, her painful looking scars, and that cute birthmark on her thigh.

Before the shot, he realized that Toby looked like her. Maybe that's why he lik-



Since I couldn't make out the story, I decided to just do a small oneshot of his life. Sorry Tristan, you won't be getting your solo book.

Tristan: Well f*ck you too.

Yea yea, I 'wuv' you too, *pinches his cheeks*

So whataya think? Good, disappointing?

I might try to write a Peri's life oneshot too if I feel up to it.
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