Chapter 7: Hangin At the Barn

Start from the beginning

Lapis: Oh. Well good for you.

( Peridot walked downstairs to prepare the materials for "meep morps". I took notice of the shot where Percy saying: It just feels like I'm trapped. It kept repeating the same sequence while Lapis was just staring at it. And looked at her with a sad look in my

Y/N: This part remind you of your time being trapped in the mirror, doesn't it?

Lapis:......Nah, I just like the part of the show. Who told you that?

Y/N: Steven did. I' sorry you had to go through all that.
Just remember that we are all here just for you.

Lapis: (*hugs you tightly*) Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Y/N: (*hugs back*) No prob Bob. Wanna hang out as soon as me and Peridot are done?

Lapis: Sure.

Y/N: Then it's settled. See you later.

( I stood up and proceeded to walk downstairs and saw Peridot with lots of materials for what we are going to do she then gestured me to finally join what we are going to do.)

Peridot: Are we going to sart yet Painite?

Y/N: Sure, let's do this.

( I walked to the pile of materials and sat in fetal position. I noticed that Peridot was working on some sort of replica of the Communication Hub made out of
popscicle sticks. Though it was only halfway finished you could already tell that it was going to be beautiful. I was working on a replica of the Palanquin made out of toothpicks and popscicle sticks.)

Timeskip 2 hours

( We both finished our work and presented it to each other.)

Peridot: Here is my meep morp. Hope you like it.

Y/N: Wow. I don't like it.

Peridot: Y-you don't?

Y/N: Yeah.

Peridot: (*looks down in dissapointment*)

Y/N: I love it.

Peridot: You do?

Y/N: Yeah, I do. What do you think of mine?

( I showed her the replica of the Palanquin made out of popscicle sticks and toothpicks. She had stars in her eyes making me laugh at her reaction.)

Peridot: Why did you choose this of all the things you could choose?(*hands the Palanquin replica back to me*)

Y/N: Well it's the only thing I could think of right now. And I actually made two meep morps since I finished the first one quite early. (*stores the Palanquin replica in my gem*)

Peridot: Can I see it?

Y/N: Here,

Y/N: Here,

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Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now