Chapter 15

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I haven't seen the boys in a while. They have been busy doing who knows what. I have been keeping busy by spending time with family and the Cullen. I would still go over to Sam's for dinner with the pack. That tradition never changed.

I walked around Sam's apartment getting dinner ready. Most of the boys were out on patrol and the others were who knows where. I just placed everything on the counter and waited. It was tradition to eat meals together. I got out of my phone and called Sam,

"Hey this is Sam. Leave a message after the beep."

I sighed and then sat down. Right then I heard the door open. The younger boys came in smiling. I guess Sam had them out on patrol. I smiled at them and Seth ran up to me all excited.

"What's up? You look like you won money or something." I asked.

"I want to show you that I got an A on my math test that we were working on so hard to get me ready for." Seth said jumping up and down.

"He couldn't wait to come home and tell you that. He kept saying wait until Hermione see this!" Jacob said with a smirk.

"Well, I am so proud of you Seth. I know how hard you worked on this test. You did amazing." I told him giving him a hug.

Jacob got a phone call and then looked at the boys and said,

"Sam needs us."

They all nodded and was leaving. I tried to stop them and tell them dinner was ready but everyone but Jacob left. Jacob was at the door when I said,

"What about dinner?"

But the door was already shut. I looked around and knew the food was getting cold. So I quickly put a warming charm on it. Maybe there was something important that was needed to be done. I sat down on the couch and then sighed.

*Sam's POV*

The boys came over to the house to help us more with repairing it. I was so excited because some of Hermione's friends said they would come down to help. Harry and Blaise came over to me and introduced me to the rest of the group.

"Alright, so you already know George, Draco, Ginny and Luna. But let me introduce you to Bill and Charlie. They are Ginny and George older brothers. But also this is Hermione's other best friend, Ron." Harry introduced.

"I have all great things about you all. I am so glad you are able to be here to help us. We want to surprise Hermione soon and I figured the best way to get it done and how Hermione would want it is for her closest friends to help. So what do you think?" I asked pointing to the house.

"That is easy. We will have it done by the end of the night." Charlie said with a laugh.

I thanked them and then Ginny came to me and asked,

"Where is Hermione? Luna and I can distract her while you work on this."

"'She was at Sam's place making...." Seth said then realizing what she was doing. He looked at his watch and then said,

"Dinner! We forgot dinner!"

All the boys looked at me and I felt so guilty. We have been so busy getting this house ready that we neglected the most important thing ever; our tradition of eating a meal together. I quickly started to run to my place and the boys were following me.

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