Chapter 2

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Today was the day I was going to Fork, Washington. My new chapter starts. I walked with my stuff down the Burrow's stairs and looked around. This would be the last time I stay here for a while. It was weird but satisfying to know that I am moving on. I got to the bottom and there waiting for me was everyone. I smiled and said,

"This isn't goodbyes. But see you all later."

"We know dear, but we all wanted to wish you luck and see you one last time before you go." Molly said. She gave me a hug and said,

"I put a few treats in your bag to snack on. Don't forget to write."

"Thank you, Molly, for everything. You are like a second mother to me. I will always come back." I told her in her embrace.

I walked over to Ginny. She was trying not to cry. I gave her a smile and said,

"Oh, please don't you know if you cry; I will cry."

"I'm sorry but who am I going to have to stay up late with me to talk about anything and everything. I am going to miss my best friend/sister. Please don't forget about us in your new adventure." Ginny said.

"I will never forget about my family." I told her wrapping my arms around her.

I said goodbye to everyone else and saw the door open. There came in was Harry, Draco, Luna, George, and Ron. They smiled to me and Draco said,

"Were you going to leave before saying goodbye to us?"

I laughed at him and asked,

"I thought you lot were at the Ministry taking care of things."

"We would never miss seeing you off Hermione." Harry said.

I ran up to him and gave him a hug. He whispered into my ear and said,

"Promise me that you will live your life and find happiness wherever you end up at."

I nodded into his shoulder and Draco spoke up and said,

"Alright Potter, there are other people that want to give Hermione a hug goodbye."

I turned to Draco and wrapped my arms around him. Since the war, we have turned over a new leaf. He became a real good friend to me and the others. Ron just withstands him for Harry's and mine sake. He told me that he will always be there for me and so will Narssica his mother.

"Mia, please follow your heart and know that Fred will always be there in spirit. Plus, if you meet someone special; I better be the first one to know so I can see if he is a right fit for my favorite witch! We have to make sure he has high expectations." George said hugging me tight.

George has been my rock since Fred's death. It was hard on both of us but we stuck together to get through it all. I think of him now as a older brother and love that he wants to look out for me. George would be the one to make me smile and keep the mood up.

I looked at the clock and said,

"It's time to go. I will write to everyone once I am settled in."

I went out to the appertain point and landed into the ministry. The gentlemen at the desk looked at me and then sat up straighter. He smiled and asked,

"How can I help you Miss Granger?"

"I am here caught my portkey to Seattle." I said.

He nodded and handed me a little teacup. I grabbed onto it and thanked the man. I then felt a familiar squeeze and landed in the ministry in America. I finished all my paperwork and headed out. I was excited to be here. I apparated to the airport where my uncle thought he was going to pick me up at.

My family does not know that I am a witch but my parents. I walked out and saw my Uncle Charlie standing there. He waved me over and gave me a hug.

"How is my favorite niece? We are so excited to have you staying with us." Charlie said.

"I'm good Uncle Charlie. I am so glad you let me stay with you and Bella." I told him.

We got into his cruiser and went home. Charlie was telling me everything that has been going on since the last time I was here. I used to spend some summers here with Bella until Bella got older and I started Hogwarts.

"Yeah, you will get to meet Bella's boyfriend Edward." Charlie said getting me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, Bella has a boyfriend. By your face it seems like you don't like him." I asked.

He gave me this look and explained everything that has happened to Bella and her boyfriend. From when they first meet and how she ended up into the hospital to her running to Italy to see him. I could not believe that Bella would do this kind of thing.

We pulled up to the house and Charlie sighed when he saw a silver Volvo on his driveway. I gave him a look and asked,

"The boyfriend?"

He nodded, and we walked inside. I felt arms wrapped around me and I saw that it was Bella. She has grown so much. She let me go and smiled.

"Oh Hermione, how I missed you. I am so excited to have you here with me. You are going to love it here." Bella said happily.

I looked over her shoulder and looked at the boy sitting on the couch. I gave Bella a look and she turned to see who I was looking at. Bella walked over to the boy and said,

"Hermione, this is my boyfriend Edward. Edward this is Hermione."

"It's nice to meet you Hermione." Edward said holding out his hand.

I accepted it and noticed something different about it. I gave him a look and the said,

"Nice to meet you too. I hope you are treating my cousin Bella like a queen."

He nodded and said,

"Of course. I would never hurt her."

I could hear Charlie trying to cough in the background. It was like he was going to choking. I smirked at Charlie and gave him a wink. Bella gave Edward a kiss goodbye and helped me upstairs to my room. We walked in and I smiled. It was a small cozy room.

"We hope you like it. We all share a bathroom and my room is right next door. So, if you need anything just come one over." Bella said.

She left me to get settled. I quickly casted a few spells in my room and started to put my things away. I came back downstairs and saw Bella cooking. She explained to me that Charlie doesn't know how to cook and that he used to eat out every.

"So, Hermione, I already placed you into school. You will be starting this Monday. So, you got all weekend to relax and get ready." Charlie said.

Bella was excited to know that I was going to be starting school with her. The rest of the night was uneventful. We just talked and got caught up with each other. It was the first normal night I ever had.

A Magical New StartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant