Chapter 11

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I sat down on Sam's couch and sighed. Jacob sat next to me and asked,

"When can we help you in one of those fight?"

"How about never. Fighting with magic is dangerous. I know you all can hold on your own but you have never been hit by a spell or would know how to block one if it was coming after you." I told him.

"Well, we want to help you in some way." Embry spoke up.

"Yeah! If you are under attack, we want to back you up." Quil and Paul joined in.

I looked over to Sam and he just shrugged. I sighed and put my hands up in defeat. I thought about it and then got a plan.

"Alright if you all want to help me with these Death Eaters. You will have to go through training and a test. Then if you pass those, I suppose you could train with me." I said.

They all nodded, and I knew I had a lot of work ahead. But I know they all just want to help in some way. I smirked when everyone cheered. I nodded and added,

"But you also have to keep your own school grades up and not miss so much school. I can help you all in classes your failing in, if you would like?"

"Don't you have to worry about your own schooling?" Paul asked.

I shrugged and said,

"Yeah but it is not going to be hard. I did stuff like this at Hogwarts. I helped my two best friends' study while also dealing with a war. So, this is nothing I can't handle."

They all looked surprised and did not know what to say. I just smirked and waited for them to respond. Sam was first and said,

"Well, are you all going to agree with Hermione's terms or not?"

He all looked up and nodded with smiles. I felt my heart swell. They all cared about me so much. I knew I so lucky to have them in my life. We continued to talk, and the boys told me all that they need help on. We made a deal that once they all get their grades up that I would teach them about magic.

I walked home that night from Sam's to my uncle's place. I know I could have just apparated away, but I liked being around nature and I love to take the time to myself. I heard a car horn behind me and saw Sam's old pick up truck. He stopped beside me and asked,

"Do you want a ride home Hermione?"

I thought about it then nodded. I got into the car and we drove in silence at first. Sam finally spoke up first and said,

"Thanks for agreeing to help the boys with their school work. They are so excited to learn something about your world."

"I am glad to help. Those boys already stole my heart and is family to me. Even if I just meet them not that long ago. We all made a connection to each other." I shared with Sam.

He nodded and said,

"Yeah, I have never seen them warm up to a stranger... mostly a female. No offense."

"None taken. I can see that a few of them probably don't even have a motherly figure in their lives so I can totally understand why they would be hesitant." I said.

Sam gave me this look and he just smiled. I could tell he was glad to that they were all warming up to me. I knew soon I would want to soon make a connection with the Cullen. They are a big part of my cousin's life and she really does love Edward with all her heart.

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