Chapter 4

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All these questions were going through me. I know how it feels by Jared and Embry. Imprinting was a rare thing and now three of one pack was imprinted. I looked over to Jared and Embry. They were giving me a smile to me and Jacob gave me a concern look.

"So, how are you liking Forks?" I asked Hermione.

"It's as I remember it as a child. I used to come during summer vacation when Bella was down here. Jacob, Bella and I would have so much fun together as Rachel or Rebecca was watching us." Hermione said with a smirk.

Her smile was so beautiful. She was something else. Jacob started to laugh and said,

"Oh yeah, you gave Rebecca a heart attack when we couldn't find you after playing hide and seek. It took my father to find her. We still don't know how he knew to find her."

Jacob placed his hand around her shoulder and all I felt was a growl rising. I gave Jacob a look and he looked so confused on it. Jared placed a hand on my shoulder and sighed.

I knew that I was taking it a little too far. Jacob didn't like her that way. Well I hope not. He was my bro, a friend and part of our pack. I would talk to him later about this.

*Hermione's POV*

I saw the stare down between Jacob and Sam. He was acting weird since he got here. I just shook it off and figure it out later. Jacob was the same loveable goof that he was as a kid.

"So how do you all know each other? No offence but I can only picture on of you guys friends with Jacob here. The rest of you Jacob would stay away." I asked curious.

The look between the boys was interesting. It was like they were having a conversation by looks. Then Jacob spoke up and said,

"Yeah, Embry and Quil are like my best friends here and I guess the rest of them just wormed their way in. Embry and Quil started to hang out with them and we just all clicked kind of. Nothing really to explain here."

"Alright. Don't have to get your knickers in a twist." I said with a laugh.

Everyone started to laugh too. The tension vanished. Paul smirked to me and said,

"I think you are going to be a good piece to our group. I just love your British accent and your slang is hilarious."

"Well, I am glad that you find it entertaining." I said winking at Paul.

Right then I heard a crack coming from the wood. I saw that I wasn't the only one that heard it. Sam and the rest got up and looked that way. Bella looked at Jacob worried and he just gave her a look to stay calm. I started to walk over but Sam grabbed my arm and said,

"Let us go look. Just incase it's dangerous."

"Thanks, but I can take care of myself. Wouldn't be in the first dangerous thing I have done." I said leaving them behind.

I heard Bella calling my name to come back but I ignored it. There is only one thing that would make a cracking noise that loud. If they have found me this quick; then there would be more coming. I turned around a tree to find Blaise. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. He embraced me and I asked,

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was...." Blaise was about to say before he was interrupted.

"Hermione, are you alright?" Sam asked behind me.

I nodded and said,

"Yeah, we are coming back. Is everyone still on the beach?"

He nodded and lead us out of the woods. I gave Blaise a look and knew that this was going to be hard to explain. But I would figure something out. I could tell there was something he had to tell me, but it was nothing good.

"Who's that?" Bella asked.

"This is my good friend Blaise Zabini. Blaise this is my cousin Bella. These gentlemen are Jacob, Jared, Paul, Embrey, Quil, and Sam. Their friends of Bella and now me." I introduced everyone.

"Wow already replacing us all back home aren't we." Blaise said with a fake hurt look.

I hit him in the chest and said,

"Never, and here I thought you were not coming until another week to visit. I told Remmy that would be the best."

"Well, other thing changed and Remmy wanted me to come now and see how you all settled in." Blaise said with a concern look.

I sighed and took Blaise hand to walk away from the group. I turned to Bella and said,

"We will be right back."

We went to the edge of the woods and then I placed a barrier around us so no one would hear us if they walked by or was too close. I turned to Blaise all worried. His whole deminer changed. I knew this was not good.

"What happened? I was supposed to check in on everyone in about a week." I asked.

All these thoughts went through my head. I was beginning to worry about my friends and family back in London. Blaise placed a hand on my shoulder and said,

"There was an attack on the portkey section of the ministry right after you left. They were look for you Hermione."

"Is everyone alright? Was anyone hurt?" I asked concerned.

"Everyone is just beaten up and we caught two of the death eaters' attackers but the rest of them vanished. One of them was Dolohov." Blaise stated.

I took a deep breath and did not know what to think. Dolohov was one of my attackers during the war and in my fifth year when we broke into the ministry to save Sirius. He gave me this scar that went from my upper chest to the down of my hip. I was really hoping that he was one of the one that went to Azkaban but when we did place them into their misery, he was not one.

"Hermione, you are going to be alright. I am here to make sure that he does not come after you. I will be here to protect you. That creep will not come anywhere near you. I promise. Harry, Draco and the others wish they could be here but they send their love."

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