Coffee & Crushes

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Hey guys,

My 7th update this week!

Yes, so my life is obviously a bit lackluster but I hope that you guys are enjoying the chapters anyway!

This chapter is a little on the short side but mostly because this story out of the series, will definitely be the shortest, infact I already know how I'm going to end it! And I'm hoping to end it before Christmas break so hope you all can stay tuned for that!


Waking up that next morning, it took Kate a few minutes to register that she wasn’t in her apartment but in a hotel room and any minute Kylie wouldn’t be barging into her room asking to have breakfast together. She was in New York. At the bewildering thought, Kate couldn't help but rub her eyes thinking that any minute she would wake up and realize that she'd dreamed it all up.  But she hadn't and she was still in New York. 

In the midst of washing her face and trying to wake herself up in the process, there was a knock on her door. 

Stumbling slightly, she answered the door to see that Zayn was standing in front of her with a coffee in his hand. 

“For me?” She practically breathed as the amazing aroma of fresh hot coffee overwhelmed her senses.

Giving a crooked grin, Zayn nodded. 

Kate snatched the coffee from him and brought up to her nose.  If there was one thing she liked more than taking pictures was smelling fresh made coffee in the morning. “You’re a dream come true,” Kate said as she turned back around, letting Zayn follow her into the room.   

Zayn sat on the love seat in her room whilst she half heartedly made her bed by simply pulling up the sheet and picking up the pillows. 

Once she did so, she picked her coffee back up and took a long sip.  Hazel nut with a cream and a small amount of sugar, her favorite.  Cocking her head to the side, she smiled at Zayn, not believing that he knew her favorite coffee.  Wait how exactly did he know?

Almost as if he could read her thoughts, Zayn chuckled.  “You did tell me how you took your coffee in our letters.”

Kate’s eyes widened as she recalled that she had told him, but only because he’d asked!

“Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that the boys and I have to leave in about twenty minutes and Hope will be here in about ten to pick you girls up.”

“Hope?” Kate echoed.  “Wait do you mean Hope from the Awards?” She asked as she put her coffee back down.

“Yeah, Harry’s Hope, she goes to NYU here.  She’s also taking you girls around the city while we’re at rehearsals.  But I promise, as soon as I have time, I’ll take you to Ellis Island and the Metropolitan Museum of Art as I promised in the last letter.”

“It’s okay if you can’t Zayn, you’re busy, there’s the concert and all the press release-”

“I always try to keep my promises Kate.” Zayn shook his head at her.  “But I’ll leave to let you get ready for the day.  Don’t rush, Melina and Ara aren’t ready either.”

“Okay,” Kate said softly as she watched Zayn leave.  

Before leaving, Zayn looked back at Kate from the door way.  Throwing her one last smile, he left, closing the door behind him. 

As soon as he was out of sight, Kate let out a breath and flopped backwards onto her bed.  She could feel her heart beating so fast that it rang in her ears. Why did Zayn Malik have to be so completely sweet and wonderful to her?! How was she supposed to only see him as her friend when he kept doing things like remembering her favorite coffee?


The day had passed surprisingly fast for Kate.  She couldn’t believe how much fun she was having with Melina, Ara, and Hope.  At moments she couldn’t help but think they were having too much fun as they tried on clothes whether for fun or to actually see if they wanted them.  None of them were the same size by any means but it didn’t stop them from trading clothes and trying on the most ridiculous outfits. 

In the middle of H&M, the boys' song had come on causing them all to laugh.  Hope was amongst the loudest as she threw her head back.  Making fish lips at Kate, Hope sang along to Live While We're Young when the boys had their repitition of the word crazy. 

Next thing Kate knew, she was joining in with Hope while Ara looked around wildly in the store, noticing that people were staring.  However Kate and Hope had gotten quite into their song and managed to drag Melina into the chorus once before she started laughing so hard she was starting to turn slightly red from lack of oxygen.

At the end of the day after their impromptu performance, Kate was the only one that bought anything.  She’d bought a pretty summer dress that was outrageously cheap and on sale because it was winter therefore no one in their right minds would wear it in December.


“I had so much fun today,” Hope said laughing as she dropped them off.  She winked at Kate who returned her wink with one of her own causing Ara and Melina to laugh.

However they were barely able to answer when Harry came jogging out with a backpack in hand.  He merely grinned at them before saying that the boys were waiting for them in the hotel’s restaurant. 

Kate barely blinked before it seemed that Harry just whisked Hope back into her car and the two gone before all three of the girls’ eyes. 


“Sorry we’re on curfew tonight,” Zayn whispered in her ear, wrinkling his nose at the word curfew. 

Kate looked to her side where Zayn had joined her on the balcony of the boys’ suite.  “I understand, the concert’s tomorrow!” She laughed. 

“I know but the days are dwindling rapidly.” Zayn sighed.

“Maybe, but I’m having a great time, thank you.”

Zayn leaned his elbows on the railing as his golden brown eyes took her in.  He couldn’t help but smile when he could see that the truth of her words could be seen in her eyes.  Her hazel eyes were practically shining, which meant she was indeed happy.  “Good, but let’s go in, I don’t want you catching a cold out here. Anyway, Melina and Ara rented a chick flick for the night that you’re bound to enjoy.” He said lightly as he nodded towards the sliding glass doors. 

“It’s just so pretty out,” Kate sighed as she took more glance out, not daring to look down however.  She still had a slight fear of heights, but as long as she had a solid wall in front of her and didn’t look down, she was okay. Turning around she found that Zayn was staring at her with an amused expression as he stood between the doorway, leaning his elbow against the wall.  She couldn’t help but think he looked utterly handsome as the light behind him emphasized his sculptural jaw and physique. 

"You coming?" Zayn asked trying not to grin extra wide as he too had noticed that Kate had been staring at him.  "Or would you rather keep looking at my profile?" Zayn asked with a wink. 

Kate flushed bright red causing him to throw back his head and laugh. 


Hope you guys enojoyed the chapter! Thank you so much for supporting me and my stories, it all means alot!

Next will be the concert and a song!

Serendipitous: Zayn's Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن