Goose Chase

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Kate's stress level had gone down tremendously since last week when she'd found out that her grandma wasn't in fact sick, just a bad stomach flu from food poisoning and would be swearing off penne for a little while. 

"I would love to go on a date this weekend," Kate smiled as she answered the phone thinking it was Mason calling back about their date while she kept walking to her class, smiling briefly at a friend who had been in one of her classes last semester. 


Kate's eyes widened as her jaw slightly fell. She abruptly stopped in her tracks.  The accent! So not Mason.  "Zayn, oh my goodness.  I'm sorry, I thought you were-"  Kate stopped as she didn't know if it would be awkward or not if she brought up Mason. 

"Mason?" Zayn answered for her, his voice a little rougher saying the name but Kate didn't notice as she was just shocked that Zayn knew about Mason... wait how did he know about Mason? She hadn't told him, not sure if it was a topic that was appropriate in their situation.

"How do you...?"

"He picked up your phone once," Zayn answered without infliction. 

Kate's lips parted as she was about to say something but then decided that she honestly had no idea what to say.  Neither said anything for a few beats. 

"I, I have to go Zayn.  My class starts in ten minutes.  Do you want me to call you back afterwards?" Kate asked, though she almost couldn't hear his answer at the  sound of her heart thumping so loud it was ringing in her ears. 

"Yes, I'd like that." Zayn answered sincerely. 

"Okay," Kate replied as she cradled the phone.

"Okay," Zayn smiled before the call ended. 


"So," Harry and Niall looked at each other as they both said the word at the same time.

"Liam, head out of the clouds!" Niall jabbed him in the leg.

"Ouch!"  Liam said before jabbing Niall back. 

Zayn snorted at them before looking over at Louis who was not day dreaming like Liam but on his phone and probably bothering Melina if the grin on his face was any indication. 

"I thought we were going to work on the new arrangement for the mash up?" Zayn asked his distracted mates. 

"Yep," Niall answered as he put his guitar on his lap. 

"Sounds fine with me but can we finish in an hour or so. Hope, Belle and Ian are skyping me in an hour about Belle's graduation from kindergarten in a month." Harry answered as he sprawled over Louis who just moved his arm to rest over Harry's legs and yet still text coordinately. 

"Louis!" Liam, Niall, and Zayn all yelled this time. 

"I'm beating Kent on this weird brain game.  One second." Louis didn't even look up at them yelling his name.

"Wait you're not texting Melina?"

"Melina's calling us nerds on the chat section.  First time I've been called a nerd by any girlfriend I must admit." Louis answered with a shrug causing them all to laugh. 

Zayn though pulled his notepad close to him as he knew they probably wouldn't be getting that far tonight.  They were all tired from the promotions earlier in the day and most of his mates seemed to just want to be lazy and talk to their significant other, or in Liam's case, just day dream.  One more month, though he didn't doubt that Liam would try to find a way around the month once more. 

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