Sisters & Extortion

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It had been a shock when Kate had been in the middle of doing her English essay,  she had suddenly had a skype video request from Zayn Malik. 

That was one thing they had never done despite having each other's contacts.  It just seemed easier for the two of them to communicate without seeing each other face to face.  It sure made it easier for her to let him go...

Not knowing what to do,  her mouse hovered over answer before she clicked it only to be greeted not with Zayn's face but two girls much younger than her that had many of Zayn's features. 

Upon seeing her jaw slightly agape as she looked at her screen in confusion, her hazel eyes gleaming with wonder, the two girls on her computer screen giggled immediately. 

"Hi!" The two said in the midst of their giggles as Kate let out a laugh as she smiled widely at them. 

"Hello." She greeted in return, a laugh on her lips as she cocked her head at them, not quite asking them to explain but questioning nonetheless. 

"What are you two doing on my computer!" Zayn could be heard suddenly as the sound of footsteps followed.  "Safaa, Waliyha!" He yelled though seeing Kate's face for the first time in almost four months, even  if it was on a computer screen, he stopped, speechless. 

On cue, both sisters laughed once more as they turned back around, their backs to their brother so that they could face Kate once more. 

"What is it like in California?!" The older of the two asked, though Kate was now looking at the corner of her screen where Zayn could be seen, opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish, unable to say anything about his sisters. 

Blinking Kate tried to tear her gaze from Zayn to concentrate on his two sisters who were all smiles at her.  "California?" She asked, making sure she heard right before she answered. 

Both eagerly nodded. 

"Well I live near San Fransisco, so the weather is pretty foggy a lot but we have gorgeous weather on days too where my roommate and I will drive a few miles to the beach.  When we get there at dawn or when it's just about dusk, as the sun rises and sets, it's absolutely breathtaking.  The crisp blue water that sometimes has a hint of green on very sunny days, then as the sun comes up, everything has a slightly orange tint but the feel of the sun's rays in the morning are like nothing else.  The pastel colors of pinks, red, oranges, yellows, even sometimes purple paint the surface as the sun sets." She smiled at them as they were literally all ears, their eyes glazed over as if they were imagining the scenery she was painting with her words.  "My favorite is in mid day when all the animals and creatures are at full force when you can see the occasional dolphins swimming up and down, playing with each other as they glide endlessly through the glistening water." She smiled even wider when the youngest one's eyes lit up at the word dolphin.  "Then the turtles, the baby ones."  This time it was the older of the two who gasped in delight.  "Watching them swim, the delicate strokes each takes and the peacefulness that surrounds them, you just want to join them and let the tide take you away.  Lure you to a peaceful moment."

Zayn gulped as he felt the need to tug at his nonexistent collar as he watched his sisters interact with Kate.  They only knew very little about Kate, mostly because Waliyha had snooped and found his letters, causing her and Safaa to become mini Nancy Drews to find this Kate their brother never talked about but had more than forty letters secured in a wooden box.   But he couldn't help but admire how good she already was with his sisters with absolutely no warning. 

"Supper!" Their father's voice boomed reminding him of why he had even come up only to find that they were in his room and using his computer. 

Both girls groaned as Zayn came to stand behind them. 

"You're very pretty." Safaa chirped at her with a wide smile, her light eyes twinkling as she let her brother pull her to him with his arm before he picked her up. 

"Bye!" Waliyha said waving as Zayn also messed up her hair for being such a snoop.  "Stop it, I would mess with yours if it wasn't so full of gel it doens't move anymore!" She cried as she tried to fix it. 

Zayn gave her a look of contempt then gave the one in his arms one too when she started giggling endlessly at Waliyha's comment about his hair.  

"Off to dinner with you two." He ordered as he placed down the one in his arms. 

As soon as they left, he turned back around to see that Kate was now leaning back on her chair, her right hand crossing her body to rest on her collar bone where she was playing with a necklace.  So close yet so far away...

"I'm sorry about them," He said at last as he tore his eyes away from her delicate looking collarbone.

"Don't be." Kate shook her head. "They're wonderful." She grinned.                         

"Maybe but-"

"Zayn, supper!"

"Yes Mum!" Zayn immediately yelled back.  "Sorry, I've-"

"It's okay Zayn.  Bye."

"Bye..." He whispered as Kate's face disappeared from his screen. 


Even though she had clicked end more than a minute ago, Kate still had her eyes closed as she vividly saw Zayn standing there in a pair of fitted jeans and a short sleeved black shirt, his shocked expression at seeing her but it also reminded her of the last time she had seen him at the JFK airport where he'd been so reserved, creating a distance between them that she had no idea how to breach.  How could a small kiss frighten a male so much? 

Done with work. Going to grab early lunch, you want some?

Sure Mason, I'd love some.  Are you coming here?

If I'm invited

Of course you are. Don't be ridiculous

Lol. Just checking you actually had time for me or if you had to go run off for some other errand

Kate winced slightly.  Their past two dates hadn't ended well.  The first one a month ago had been a disaster as she had tried to help Zayn find taffy and hair mousse. Then the second one, for some reason Louis Tomlinson had called her in the middle of a movie telling her to respond to his texts, he wasn't some creeper and he needed help learning to use his new professional camera.  It wouldn't take pictures at all.  After an hour of texting as discreetly as she could, she had given up and gone out of the theatre to call him because his use of button was numerous enough that he was even confusing her.  The red button is flashing what does that mean? Even thinking about it she wanted to facepalm. Louis Tomlinson. 

No sorry. Just us I promise.

And Kylie! Sorry

With a sigh, Kate slumped in her seat.


Zayn handed his middle sister a five pound to keep her from talking about Kate because he knew if she even mentioned her, their mother would pound questions at him to put the Spanish Inquisition to shame.

She winked at him as he sighed.  Extortion by his own sister.

"Safaa look at what I got!" She sang as she went to the dining room to join their family for dinner. 

With a groan he got out another five pound.  The price for privacy!


Hope you guys liked the chapter! 

Last update til Friday! Sorry test on Thursday! 

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