Friendship... Or?

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“Stop eating my pizza!” Kate said as she looked up sharply from her art notes.  “The Object,” She quizzed immediately after, trying to keep their study session on track. 

Jake made a face as he recalled the fur cup/hat thingy.  “Oppenheim; Surrealism.” He answered taking another slice of Kate’s pizza as he only had one slice left while she’d barely touched her's.  “Upside down urinal.” He said only to earn a look of exasperation from Kate. 

“Jake, it’s called the Fountain. You’re going to fail the test if you keep making up names.”

“Kit Kat, I’m only naming what I see, but fine whatever, The Fountain.” He over emphasized the name.

“Duchamp, Dada.” Kate sighed before she glanced at him from the corner of her eye.  He was currently flipping through their textbook to find harder pieces.  She grinned before she grabbed his last slice of Italian sausage pizza.  She took a bite, grinning still. 

“Katherine you!” Jake said dropping the text book.  “My last slice!” He protested in disbelief.

Kate stuck her tongue out as she took one more bite before putting the slice down. 

“You’re so going to get it!” Jake said before leaning over to start tickling her. 

“Jake!” Kate said trying to squirm away. 

“How could you my Italian Sausage pizza,” Jake pretended to sound distraught as he kept trying to tickle her. 

In the midst of it all, Kate’s phone rang causing her to lean over to answer it but unfortunately leaving just enough room for Jake to pounce. 

“Hello?” Kate barely got to answer before she broke into a fit of laughter induced from Jake’s tickling. “Jake stop it!” She said trying not to laugh.

Zayn blinked as he heard the other line.  Gulping he hesitated, what the heck was happening?

“Jake I’m on the phone!” Kate said between laughs.  “Stop now or I’m not baking you my grandma’s cookies!”

“Fine!” Jake threw his hands in defeat before retreating. 

Kate rolled her eyes, a smile was still on her face as she pressed the phone back to her ear. 

“Kate are you okay?” Zayn asked a little harsher than intended. 

This time Kate blinked before her jaw slightly dropped as her eyes widened.  “Zayn?”  She said before looking at her phone seeing the name.  Not that she really needed too, it wasn’t like as if a lot of her friends had British accents well a real one at least.  Feeling slightly dumb at the moment, Kate tucked her legs underneath her.  “How are you?”

“Who’s Jake?”

Kate cocked her head to the side before unconsciously turning to look at Jake.  “He’s a really good friend of mine.” Though the way she said it, almost sounded like a question. 

Feeling her gaze on him, Jake looked up, his blue eyes searching hers as he raised a comical brow at her before mouthing ‘me?’

Kate didn’t answer him as Zayn said something back.  Unfortunately she missed it due to Jake rolling up some paper and throwing it at her so that it hit her forehead.  She gave him a glare before throwing it back. 

Jake grinned at her before getting up to move closer to her, a wicked grin on his face.

“Kate?” Zayn asked once more as he got no response.  “Kate?”  He repeated worried as he heard a sound in the background.  

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