1 - It's Shool, not School Junmyeon

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"You can't hit a pregnant man!" Baekhyun shouted, reaching over to grab another pillow and trying to hit Junmyeon with it. "What is wrong with you?"

"Says the guy always talking about marriage and sex," Junmyeon said. "Knowing you, I can't even blame the hormones."

"Hmm, guess what Chanyeol and I did last night," Baekhyun winked at him. "Hihi."

"BAEK!" Junmyeon whacked him again with the pillow. "I don't need to know your sex schedule!"

"That sounds like something porn directors would say- can you stop whacking me with a pillow and hear out my question! Yes it's about sex but it's important!" Baekhyun yelled.

Junmyeon sighed. "What is it?"

"You know how they say that having sex during pregnancy is good? But there's a time period when it's bad for you? When is that? What if I hurt my future child, Junmyeon, I'll never live with myself-"

"Baekhyun, calm down, okay, we'll get the answers. Here." Junmyeon handed Baekhyun the English flashcards. "Continue studying while I look on the web, okay?"

Baekhyun nodded, wiping fake tears from his eyes. "You're a true angel. Okay, so pa-pa-peh, uh-"

Junmyeon grabbed his phone off the bed and starting searching on google, while hearing Baekhyun struggle with a word that-

Wait, he knew this word!


"Oh, that's 'school'", Junmyeon said. "It means school."

"That's not how you pronounce it, it's shool, not school, Junmyeon."


"So the nearest sighting was in Thailand," Chanyeol said. "So I was thinking maybe we can send some people there?"

Yifan shook his head in response. "That won't work, he would expect us to head over there. He can teleport, remember?"

"See, that's the thing, he would expect that we would expect not to head over, so he will stay safe. And besides, we still haven't found out a way to kill him yet-"

"We're not killing him." Chanyeol and Yifan turned to look at Minseok, who was now glaring at the two of them. "We are turning him back to normal."

"Minseok, this isn't the same Tao you met 20 years ago, let it go-"

"Did you just tell me to-excuse me?" Minseok got up from his seat. "Don't tell me to let it go."

"He tried to hurt Baekhyun, he's not getting away with it," Chanyeol said. "I'm sorry, Minseok, but if I see him, I'm not going to back down."

"We can save him, I know we can!" Minseok shouted. "You guys don't understand! Why do your solutions always start with killing?"

Kris got up from his seat. "What are you implying, Minseok?"

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm implying," Minseok said, walking towards the doorway. "Nice to know that when I turn evil, you guys are going to be there for me."

He opened the door and slammed it shut behind him, trying to calm down his breath. He didn't know why he just walked out, but...

It just angered him. How could they say that stuff about him knowing the condition that he had? It wasn't like it was his choice. He knew that one day his time run out and he would be turned, and knowing they wouldn't do anything to help him?

It's not like they were helping him now. They would tell him that he still had plenty of time, that he didn't have to worry about any of that stuff right now. Minseok really wanted to believe them his emotions were getting worse and worse at each passing moment.

The Staggering Fall of Youth (sequel to SBA)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora