Chapter 2

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The sun started to rise.  Peeking through Orhime's Curtains.
She tossed a little from the light.
Grinning as she realised her activities for the day. "I get to see Kurosaki-Kun ." She hummed turning on the water for her shower. She pulled a towel out of her closet with an outfit to wear. It was a light pink skirt that had small lighter pink flowers along the bottom, she had a white laced half sleeved shirt for the top.
In her excitement she rushed into the shower scrubbing her skin and washing her hair with her best smelling soap, She dried quickly in her haste. Then brushing her teeth twice, proceeding to snatch her brush through her long thick hair. She slipped her perfect blue pins into place. *Orihime you look so excited* Lily said in her head. Tsubaki just rolled his eyes at his companion. *I think Kurosaki is Just a Dense moron*, his voice layered with annoyance and distaste. Shun'ou and Ayame giggled, Hinagiku and Baigon almost laughed as well. *You seem pretty jealous to us tsubaki* Ayame still giggled. He angered and screamed, *She's an Idiot too, perfect match*. The voices silenced then as she moved out of the bathroom, feeling embarrassed.
She slipped her skirt and shirt on. Looking herself over once in her floor length mirror. She was nervous, rushing into the rest of her apartment to scrub it from top to bottom.

Ichigo was already wide awake, his father having almost took the door down with the announcement for his breakfast. He showered quickly, dressing in a white tshirt and black jeans. He didn't bother to tame is unruly hair. As he half jogged down the stairs he saw Yuzu and Karin's Grins. He sat down at the table, bringing the coffee cup to his lips. He already knew his father has either snitched him out or They were unnecessarily nosey the night before. Either way he was waiting for the talk to start. Yuzu looked up at him beaming, "So Oni-chan, you got yourself a Girlfriend." Ichigo all but Spit his coffee across the table, Isshin hid his small grin. Karin however, let out a loud booming laugh. "What is it Ichi-nii embarrassed?" She continued to cackle until Isshin cleared his throat. "Now Now girls, Ichigo has a Girlfriend so what?" Ichigo was infuriated now and confused. Mad since his father and sisters were being embarrassing and were completely wrong, yet confused since his heart started hammering in odd ways at those words, then aching with the realisation behind them.  He stood then, looking back at his smiling family. "She's just a friend, Inoue Would never feel that way." The disappointment in his tone was unrecognizable to himself, but his whole family wanted to scream in his face.
They have all met Orihime, watching how she looked at him, spoke to him.
*God Ichigo, you're an Idiot.*, Karin thought. *He doesn't know whats gonna hit him when they start dating.* Isshin started to tear up at the thought running directly to his wife's picture crying big sobbing tears. "Misaki, our boy is so stupid and a delinquent what should I do." Ichigo's furrowed brow twitched in irritation, he put his shoes on and started for Orihime's.

She finished the last bit of her cleaning, setting the tea kettle on the stove top. She watced a butterfly flutter across the cloudy sky.
She started thinking about the battle, the crumbling soul society. She offered to "undo" the damage but it was all covered in thick angry reitsu.
She almost started to tear up at the sight of those hurt and dead soul reaper's, even seeing Aizen wasn't as bad as the young children lost in the battle. She sat there silently now, feeling the energies around her. She'd always been good at that, sensing soul's and Hollow's, even through the strongest barriers. She was afraid though, to really look deep inside her, knowing the destruction she could cause. She already had a defensive and offensive attack in one, the possibility if she would will the enemy into oblivion, the thought made her shutter. She was feeling so hard, could feel chad, punching a dusty bag over and over, could feel Uryuu calmly studying at his Father's. Could swear she felt a tiny light near Ichigo's house, not only the screaming flare his father had. It made her jump when Ichigo's knocked her in the face so full and close. It felt overwhelming to her, but not in a bad way. She liked it, the feeling of his soul. Most the time it was pushing, with all of its might and will. Sometimes it was angry and blood spotted, dark and demented. She felt this new feeling, light, with a few quivering edges. The knock at her door sent her flying, so deep in thought. Already knowing who it was she didn't bother to check.

Ichigo looked her over once, seeing her in the door way "Hey Inoue." He said in a happier tone than usual.  Orihime shined him a big bright smile, "Hello Kurosaki-Kun, please come in."
As he sat down again at her small table, she was already carrying out the warm tea. He looked around as she sat the cup in front of him, looking at how she had bright curtains and pink pillows, the huge shrine for her brother held two burning inscent's and a framed picture of Sora's face.
Orihime followed his gaze to her brother's shrine, a small smile came to her lips. 'Kurosaki-kun is looking at it so gingerly, I wonder truly if Oni-chan would have liked him.' Her thoughts pulled the memory front and center. Sora huge as a hollow, standing off against Ichigo, the first time she saw his tall body holding the long zanpakuto. Sora was scary then at the time, she was so worried for Ichigo though, she remembered the bliss on his face as Ichigo set him free.
She came back to reality looking back up to Ichigo. "Would you mind if i showed you something Kurosaki-Kun?" She asked in a quiet voice.
Ichigo curious now to her request, answering a little surprised. "Yeah, sure thing Inoue". He watched a smile tug at her lips as she pushed herself off the floor, she went down the hall to her room.
He saw her return with a small pink bear, a lighter oink stitch on its head.
He looked up at her, waiting for her explanation. "This is Enraku, My older brother gave him to me when i was a baby, Oni-chan was like a father to me.  Ichigo recalled Tatsuki Almost four years Earlier telling him the story of Orihime. He looked at her saddend eyes, wanting to reach across the table. "Inoue?" She was looking at him now ready to apologize for her sulking expression. Before she could speak he started, "Can I show you something Inoue?" She nodded as he risen from his seat, remaining quiet as he led her out the front door.
He looked back at her and smiled, "I think it's time I've told you a little about my self." He turned forward ans started walking, she followed behind him, smiling as she did.

Author's note: Thank you for reading chapter two! I have so many idea's for this story, I haven't any idea how many chapters it will have but if you ever have any ideas you'd like to share for this story or another just drop it in the comments below-HM

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